Jersey Shore

mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
Ok so who here likes Jersey Shore? I think it is the most trashy but fabulous show. It makes me cringe the way that these people are but i love it at the same time. I have to say as trashy as Snookie is, I love her, i love her "i dont give a &%*$ about what anyone thinks, loves pink and blingy sequins lol. Pauly is awesome and Vinnie is super cute haha. Jennie has more class but people say im more like Snookie or the new girl Deena, just because im loud and proud and fun size, not short!! haha


  • brittybee23
    brittybee23 Posts: 16 Member
    If I had cable, I'd totally be watching that show all the time! LOVE trainwreaks!! : )
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jersey Shore. I too love Snookie!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I'm ADDICTED!!

    I'm sorry but I am. I started to watch because my ultimate dream was to have a summer shore job back when I was younger ... now it's just entertainment for me and I never miss an episode :glasses:
  • meggersd
    its like a car crash you cant help but watch
  • meggersd
    its like a car crash you cant help but watch
  • carolsohn
    carolsohn Posts: 33 Member
    I'm from the shore, and I can assure you 90% of us are not like that, but this show is definitely my guilty pleasure! :blushing: Hahaha I love Snooki & Jwoww. I still need time to judge the new girl, I'm not really digging her so far though. And I see Sammi at my gym! I absolutely hate her. :grumble: She's fake and all she does it complain. She comes to the gym with her hair straightened and makeup done, going like a prissy on the elliptical. I just want to push her off.. :devil: LOL. And I went to Mike's book signing in Staten Island. Yes, he wrote a book... on how to be a guido. :huh: I'm excited for the rest of the season though! And I'll let you know if I ever do end up hurting Sammi at the gym, hahahah. :tongue:
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Snooki was a car crash last night. That was the most pathetic thing I've seen so far - more than her dancing alone at the end of Season 1.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I'm from the shore, and I can assure you 90% of us are not like that, but this show is definitely my guilty pleasure! :blushing: Hahaha I love Snooki & Jwoww. I still need time to judge the new girl, I'm not really digging her so far though. And I see Sammi at my gym though! I absolutely hate her. :grumble: She comes to the gym with her hair straightened and makeup done, going like a prissy on the elliptical. I just want to push her off.. :devil: LOL. and I went to Mike's book signing in Staten Island. Yes, he wrote a book... on how to be a guido. :huh: I'm excited for the rest of the season though! And I'll let you know if I ever do end up hurting Sammi at the gym, hahahah. :tongue:

    I think Deena will be cool once she calms down and knows she doesn't have to impress everyone so much - and gets off the Sitch's body parts. LOL. The first episode I questioned her, now I think she's pretty cool and fitting in well. Anything's BETTER than Angelina.

    Sammi. Oh Sammi. She's something. "Sorry, Snooki". Heck that girl should be BEGGING to be friends again ... I wouldn't take her back so quickly after all she's done to shut people out - for love or not. She's got a lot of growing up to do for herself.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    I'm from the shore, and I can assure you 90% of us are not like that, but this show is definitely my guilty pleasure! :blushing: Hahaha I love Snooki & Jwoww. I still need time to judge the new girl, I'm not really digging her so far though. And I see Sammi at my gym! I absolutely hate her. :grumble: She's fake and all she does it complain. She comes to the gym with her hair straightened and makeup done, going like a prissy on the elliptical. I just want to push her off.. :devil: LOL. And I went to Mike's book signing in Staten Island. Yes, he wrote a book... on how to be a guido. :huh: I'm excited for the rest of the season though! And I'll let you know if I ever do end up hurting Sammi at the gym, hahahah. :tongue:

    Haha that is so awesome you live on the shore and actually get to see these people. Most people think they are no-bodys and I guess they are but its a guilty pleasure of mine haha. I dont like sammie, i think she is so fake. Deena im not 100% sure about either but i do like Jwoww and Snookie. As dumb as it sounds, me and my friends all go around singing tshirt time before a night out and i always end up saying oh yeah wake up yeah at some point during my day haha. I heard that the situations book was a flop but didnt snookie write one too? And yes, just for being a dumb ***** that goes to the gym in full makeup and hair, push Sammie off the eliptical, u cant hardly be working out if your hair and makeup stay the same haha
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Does it make me gay if Ive watched that show a couple of times....

    I wont cracks me up
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I watched the new season opener while I was on the elliptical. I felt so dirty after (and sweaty), I had to shower. I am truly afraid I will lose IQ points if I continue to watch the show. I really can't afford to lose any more points.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm from the shore, and I can assure you 90% of us are not like that, but this show is definitely my guilty pleasure! :blushing: Hahaha I love Snooki & Jwoww. I still need time to judge the new girl, I'm not really digging her so far though. And I see Sammi at my gym! I absolutely hate her. :grumble: She's fake and all she does it complain. She comes to the gym with her hair straightened and makeup done, going like a prissy on the elliptical. I just want to push her off.. :devil: LOL. And I went to Mike's book signing in Staten Island. Yes, he wrote a book... on how to be a guido. :huh: I'm excited for the rest of the season though! And I'll let you know if I ever do end up hurting Sammi at the gym, hahahah. :tongue:

    I'm from the shore too, and in the summer in Seaside almost everyone is exactly like that! Even back when I was in high school in the late 80's, we'd go to Seaside just to guido watch in the summer. From Labor Day to Memorial Day, all those people keep to themselves in Staten Island so the shore goes back to normal. :laugh:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    I dont like it! I lived there and it was not like that! I understand the media and the hype.
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Believe it or not, I work for a group of 10 hotels in Miami and Jersey Shore was actually filmed at one of our properties (The Metropole) during the South Beach season. We had to close the entire property down for over 2 months for filming. Even so, I'll admit that I haven't been able to sit through an entire episode yet, LOL.
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    Funny story - I dressed up as Snooki last year for Halloween and my girlfriend went as J-Woww. My boobs are slightly larger than hers, so she borrowed one of my bras and stuffed 3 pairs of socks in it. It was hysterical. We also had a friend their who dressed as a 80's cop and so we got a picture of him arresting me with my bling shades on. Such good times. I love Halloween.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Does it make me gay if Ive watched that show a couple of times....

    I wont cracks me up

    Hell no, me, my husband and my guy neighbor all watch it, it makes it even more sense when i start yelling Jersey Shore quotes all around the house haha, people actually know what im talking about lol
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Does it make me gay if Ive watched that show a couple of times....

    I wont cracks me up

    Does it make me straight if I don't? LOL!
    Why watch Jersey Shore when Trav gives us our own "Situation" right here on MFP!
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    I hate to say it but I watch it also. I so FU$%!ng hate the show and hate that my teenagers look at it. I have a young daughter that watches it and i sit and tell her threw the whole thing these are prime examples of how not to be. These girls from the show are trash and I make sure she sees how the guys treat girls and make sure to reinforce that that's not right. if a guy ever does anything remotly like this to you please come home and tell me right away.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Does it make me gay if Ive watched that show a couple of times....

    I wont cracks me up

    Does it make me straight if I don't? LOL!
    Why watch Jersey Shore when Trav gives us our own "Situation" right here on MFP!

    Haha i agree, Trav does have that situation vibe, thats awesome haha