New, and looking for friends

Hello! I'm a 22 yr old female in Canada (EH!), just recently finished university, and I am looking for some friends on MFP. A brief summary of things you should know about me:
1) I have been doing yoga on and off for 3 years now. For the first two years I was really good and went every week (except at Christmas), and then my yoga instructor left and it's been hard to find a new place I like. I finally found one and am going once per week with my Mom.
2) I walk on a treadmill (uphill at a good pace) twice per week during my lunch at work - my workplace is awesome and pays for the employees to use the gym facilities upstairs, and we get a free lunch too! I just started and I'm very self-conscious about it, but I'm hoping my new water bottle and iPod arm band will make me feel good about it.
3) I love food and I hate keeping track of what I eat. I make all sorts of fancy things for dinner and find it impossible to figure out the nutritional information.
4) I have a very loving and supportive boyfriend who is very good at making me feel awesome about starting to "work out", and he's decided he needs to eat better, so we're looking to change our diet a bit. I'd like to think I already eat sort of healthy, but I know I could do better.
5) I love to cook, and recently started a foodblog to share my recipes with the world!

I believe that's it for now, though there is certainly more to me than that. So HELLO MFP UNIVERSE! :-)


  • actionpotential
    Hey buddy, welcome to the My Fitness Pal community =]
    (I may be punching above my weight a little here, welcoming someone else when I've literally just joined myself!)
    The impression I'm getting is that you're already fighting fit, but would just like to master the final niggle, food intake :)
    It looks like you've worked pretty hard to attain an exercise schedule like that. You've done it once, you can DEFINITELY do it again, this time for your diet :) what's your aim? What are the obstacles that make it more challenging? How are you doing so far?

    I actually just came back from a year in Canada (BC was great!) I went to do a year in uni there, but now I'm back. I've returned to last year of high school in good old England, applying to medschool this semester :) I've joined MFP to mainly keep track of my diet, and fitness in general. I have a reasonable diet and good physique, but I know I can do better, i'm aiming towards a great shape, hopefully before I hit uni. Dedication to exercise is sometimes an issue, especially when the workload is tough, but with a motivational friend, it was all right. Now that my girlfriend aka fitness buddy is an ocean away, it's slightly more challenging :) Enter MFP :) (it's no girlfriend replacement tho!)

  • kitchentales
    I love BC, it's so beautiful out there! I'm glad you had a good visit! :-) And it's never too soon to welcome others to the community! Working out and eating healthy is hard, especially in today's world when everything is all about convenience.

    I'd have to say my aim for my diet is to eat healthy and to keep within my calorie allowance. I've gotten pretty good about the junk food, and the fast food, I don't have them in my life too often, but I love things like cheese and pasta. I try not to indulge too much, but I really just want a healthy diet. I also want to help get my boyfriend on a healthy diet, because he doesn't always eat so good (though he's in excellent shape!). Let's see, obstacles that make it challenging... Definitely tracking my dinners on MFP. Luckily two of my favorite cookbooks have nutritional information for every recipe, so that makes it easy. But whenever I cook something else, I'm not sure about the nutritional information, and even if I find something that's called the same thing in the database, I'm afraid it's not accurate, and either I've ignored a couple hundred calories, or added them in when I didn't need too. Other than that I think I do pretty okay. I've cut down on junk food and fast food, when my boyfriend and I go out or order in, I try to opt for the healthier choice.

    Ha ha, I hear you about the girlfriend replacement. Luckily I live in the same city as my boyfriend, so he's still around to help keep me motivated. He's very supportive about my exercise, and he doesn't push it or make me feel like I'm fat. And he is always the one to express the desire to eat healthier, so it's really easy to go along with it when it's what he wants too. I hope MFP helps and I hope you and your girlfriend can still talk a lot and keep in touch!

    Good luck with medschool!! If you get into an exercise routine now that will still work once you start, you should be okay. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so if you can form a habit, you're usually set. Though when I was in university I started doing yoga in the morning when I had late classes, and that didn't last very long. It's hard to justify working out instead of working on an assignment.