dieting with anti-depressants

Is anyone else having trouble losing the weight brought on by anti-depressants? I find that my appetite increases significantly when I am on these pills. Does anyone have any advice on how to curb the cravings and fight the weight gain side affect?


  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I wish I knew...that is part of my problem also, and part of the reason I managed to gain about 20lbs between the middle of July and the Holidays.

    I would guess it would be being more diligent about what you are eating and exercising more. It will be a struggle though, my therapist has already told me that, so any weight loss I have is a victory for me.
  • fishiewishes
    fishiewishes Posts: 91 Member
    I'm having the opposite problem, my anti depressants have killed my appetite and I'm hardly eating D:
  • denie1234
    which tablets are you all taking ,im on paraxetine and have also noticed weight gain ,not good when you are aready suffering with depression!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I would try to find some high-protein, low-calorie foods you can eat thoughout the day. They'll help keep you feeling fuller longer. And try to watch your sodium intake to avoid water retention. Maybe you can talk to your doctor about why your medication causes the weight gain, and use that information to come up with a plan to combat it? I also agree with loria30 that exercise is so key. Not only will it help keep the weight under control, but it will help combat the depression as well by releasing those yummy feel-good brain chemicals.
  • DreamingOfSize10_UK
    What you have got to remember is you can still lose weight on these pills. Keep to the plan... make it a lifestyle change and you will not go wrong. Give it time (yes I know it's difficult) but you will get there if you're filling up on healthy foods along with plenty exercise that is one of the finest things for energy and improving mental well being. x
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I couldn't imagine trying to get fit without my antidepressant. Without them, I have no *oomph.* No desire to get my tush off the couch or do much of anything. I'm much more energized with them. And exercising energizes me even more! :smile: