My sad, sad daughter



  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi silly goose,

    I saw your original post and some of the replies to it but did not read them all... the ones I saw gave you some great advice.
    I'm sorry to hear your daughter is having such a hard time at the moment but you sound like you are doing all the right things and being there for her which is the most important thing...

    I am a trained and qualified nanny with 20 yrs experience and what I read into your post was that just maybe the situation with the gf at dad's could be affecting her.... I would say that outside help would be the best thing for her.... it is more than likely that if she is unhappy with the situation between her dad and his gf she won't talk to you about it as she won't want to be telling tales on her father to you and she probably can't talk to her father about it seeing as it's his gf and she sees that there is a lot of fighting... talking to someone on the outside and knowing that what she says is to someone who is not personally involved will I'm sure make it easier for her to unburden her worries without guilt.

    You're doing the right thing by seeking help for her and I think it sounds like you're a fantastic mum!
  • olney75
    olney75 Posts: 36
    I read your post and some of the replies, although i do think talking to her and getting her some outside help is GREAT advice!!! however i think one thing everyone is is forgetting is how confusing, embarrassing and scary puberty is. I know most people think 8 is too young to get her period but the average age WAS 12 now they have shown that the average age has dropped down as much as 2 years in the last 20 years. But also you might want to think her home life has nothing to do with this, it might be her school life. Girls start to get clicky and boys start to pick on girls around this age. .....Just another idea to talk to her about. I hope everything works out for you and your family!!