staying motivated

I am having a hard time staying motivated.
It seems to be easier when I am at work to stay on track.
I watch my calories and excerse, but the weekends are so hard.
That's when I want to snack more.:embarassed:


  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I am the same way! Don't fret- you can do this. Just stick to it and remember bikini season is right around the corner!
  • newsammy11
    newsammy11 Posts: 75 Member
    I have the same problem! :(
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    same here
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I have many motivational tricks I use to motivate myself, here a just a few...

    1. I have an excel sheet that tracks how many times I work out a week (the goal is 6) and how many days I stay under my net calories (every day is the goal unless I dont work out, then I eat right at my calories). This sheet then graphs my progress of eating/exercising vs. my weight loss. it helps me visualize my results EVERY morning and encourages me to keep it up so I dont have to not check the boxes the next day.
    2. At my gym, I have been putting my locker stuff in the number that corresponds to my weight. I started at locker 184 and have moved over to the next section recently (locker 159 yesterday). This also helps me visualize my progress.
    3. I make collages with my goals and pictures of things that motivate me. I have a collage on my fridge, at my work desk, in my school planner, in my closet near my mirror, and in my bathroom that way I constantly am reminding myself WHY I want to be healthy. Making goals is really a huge part of this journey. Mine arent DIRECTLY about weight loss when when I am successful with reducing carbs/increasing protein, getting my work outs in, running races each month, and hitting a PR at each race, I will end up losing weight.
    4. Do something that makes YOU feel good. Mine is yoga once a week. When you feel good you just dont want to stop.

    Keep focused and add me as a friend, I'd love to hear your goals. Good luck!
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    Yes, it is easier at work, the only thing I know is to plan your meals out where ever you eat and get your children involved in your exercising to counter act your calories. Also make sure you have two snacks - one in the am- one in the pm of protein and a carb, maybe? I also try to keep my goal in mind which is April - to just be healthier and to be smaller in my capri pants. Maybe keep small motivations for yourself when you make it through say Saturday - then Sunday could be maybe getting a new magazine to look at and - getting through Sunday - then Sunday night maybe - polishing your fingernails a different color or call a friend Sunday afternoon while you are working out on the exercise bike. I have done that last Sunday and I sure was glad I had 20 minutes done talking to her.
  • tanks
    tanks Posts: 9
    I had the same issue on weekends when I was less busy then during the week. What I found that helped me was that I started eating smaller portions more frequently, made sure I drank plenty of water, it stopped me snacking!
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Weekends are always difficult for me. I have a husband that is a bean pole, and I love him to death, but every time he sticks something in his mouth I have to leave the room. He is a sugar lover and a lover of anything that can be a snack. It is difficult, but I can usually find something to occupy my mind. I have been known to go to my room and climb on my elliptical just to get the thought of food out of my mind. A little walk is always nice too.
    It does get easier though. Before you set your feet on the floor in the morning just tell yourself you are going to do the best you can.
    We are here to help you and keep you focused and motivated. It will all be okay.