Just a vent...



  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    That was beyond rude. Your "friend" should not have done that to you!
    Keep up your hard work and don't let her discouarge you!
  • that doesn't sound like a very good friend!! Don't let her get you down because in the long run you are doing things the harder way and therefore you are learning more from your experience. By doing this you are giving yourself the tools for healthy eating to carry on throughout your life, not just a quick fix!
    I really know its hard, i struggle when my friends around me boast about how little they are eating (i do a performing arts course so i'm surrounded by people desperate to be skinny as hell, and i myself am sometimes included in that!) however i keep having to remind myself that eating the right amount and the right kind of foods, with a couple of treats now and then (!) is going to make me happier and healthier in the long run, as well as getting super gorgeous!
    Stay strong!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Your friend is just smelling herself right now. When the honeymoon period is over and she has to continue to lose that weight & maintain it the old fashion way she won't be gloating then. I can tell just by what she is saying that she hasn't prepared herself.
  • Her actions don't equal "friend" in my book.

    I've seen WAY too many people lose it through gastric bypass, but - because they didn't change the things that caused them to gain the weight in the first place, they ended up gaining most or all of it back.
    You are making a life change in a LOT of ways -- in ways that your "friend" obviously does not understand.

    But we here, who are doing it the right way, understand 100%.
    You are doing terrific! Keep going! Eyes forward. No need to look back at your "Friend".
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I think that was rude of a friend to do that! Just remember though, people that have had that surgery can gain it all back just like anyone else!!!
  • Wow...that's pretty crappy....

    But alas, pay no mind. As those who choose an "easy way out" for anything, will sometimes not or ever truly appreciate their rewards for it took so little dedication, strength or desire to achieve it.

    You are succeeding, each and everyday and a comparison by a friend, is no comparison at all as it is solely for the purpose of stroking her ego.

    Well done on your 20 lbs loss by the way, keep up the great work!!

  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    That is to harsh to be considered "friendly". I, being in the snarky mood that I am, would comment on her facebook status, "I still weigh less than you."

    Of course, that would be considered rude too...but that's the kind of mood I'm in :laugh:
  • Blueeyes1117
    Blueeyes1117 Posts: 51 Member
    Woww all i got to say is keep your head up high!! In the end you will feel so much better about yourself because you didnt take the"easy way out" you actually are dedicating your time and hard effort into getting the weight off yourself!!! and in the end even if it takes you a year you will have more satisfaction than she ever will!! Keep your head held high you can do this and dont let her get to you the easy way out isnt alway the right way!!! Keep that in mind! You can do this!!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    That is awful!

    You are doign thing teh right way and teh healthy way. Keep up what you are doing and be proud of yourself for not having to compair yourself with others to validate your accomplishments. 20 pounds in 4 months is awesome...and likly to stay gone.
  • Blueeyes1117
    Blueeyes1117 Posts: 51 Member
    I agree lol im in one of those moods today to lol
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    I find this very rude too. I have a friend, whose mother had gastric bypass surgery. I'm not sure what she looked like before but she's morbidly obese now, so clearly it didn't work. And she has the nerve to make jokes about how her son is overweight, and he's not nearly the size of her. She's never been a good mother, but that's another story. But when she says things like that, I could kick her!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    How irritating!

    I recently read an article about 'addiction transfer'. It seems that a lot of people who have had gastric surgery develop addictions to drugs, alcohol, etc. The theory is that they've had an addiction to food and now that they can no longer abuse food to ease their feelings, they turn to other substances to alleviate their cravings.

    Also, imagine never being able to go out for a meal ever again. Never being able to have a romantic dinner for two seems terrible!

    You're losing weight the right way, the healthy way. You're 'friend' probably recognises this and feels like she's cheated her way to weight-loss. To make herself feel better, she's mean to you.

    Lose weight the way that's right for you xxx
  • Lizzgeorge77
    Lizzgeorge77 Posts: 52 Member
    It's normal for somebody to feel empowered and excited to see the pounds start melting off - particularly after such an invasive procedure. It may even be natural for her to want to brag to you or anybody else about her results. But comparing her journey to yours (when both the method used and your goals are clearly SO different) is completely unfair - and to do so in a public forum without your permission is unacceptable.

    You are already a healthy weight - she is probably insecure about that and maybe even jealous that you did it on your own - the hard way, as she says. She took "the easy way out" by her own admission and obviously doesn't feel great about it or she wouldn't be defending it so vigorously.

    If I were you I probably wouldn't be able to resist a jab at her along the lines of "Um, I'm glad you've come so far on your journey, but it's not really fair to compare us. I started out much closer to my goal weight, so of course I've lost fewer pounds overall. " I might just leave a comment on her facebook post along those lines.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Completely agree with everyone else on here. Your "friend" is insane. Taking the easy way out will not give you the satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment that taking the hard way will. Pay no attention to them.
  • I would just reply on her facebook that "if I had 200 pounds to lose I would also be losing a dramatic amount of wieght quickly as well but alas I do not have at least 50 pounds to lose to qualify for the easy way out, and if I could have it now how great I'd be at my goal weight within the month".

    I personally think it is great no matter how a person chooses to lose wieght as long as it is a healthy way, and I find it insulting that she calls it an easy way I know alot of people don't consider it an easy way, but it is something they HAD to do.

    I have loose skin but I will do everything in my ability to tighten up my stomache before I even consider taking the "easy" way of having a tummy tuck. The surgery, the pain,the cost, the possibilities of complications, yep easy.
  • hi, am in the same situation. a close family member weighed 325 and had gastric by pass and has lost 75 pounds (she does not eat healthy food, just small portions of junk food, alot of fast foods and processed foods). she lives with me and is always on me now about my weight since shes now smaller than me, for the first time in her life. I have always tried to eat healthy, all my tests are good, but have a pain disorder snd have a hard time excercising, but am going to do it this time. I have now made a pact with myself to disregard anything sshe says to me about my weight because I know that i'm doing it the right way, hard or not. Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on, feel good about yourself,a nd remember that sometimes your need to get rid of the "toxic" people in your life.:flowerforyou:
  • Go ahead and vent - you have a right to!

    Some people are "Energy Givers" - they are supportive and bring light and happiness into your life. Other people are "Energy Suckers" - you feel tired and worn out after being with them. If this "friend" is more of an Energy Sucker (sounds like it) - then maybe you need a little distance from her.

    Congrats on your 20 lbs!!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Sounds like you need a "friend bypass." You have work to do and shouldn't let anyone interfere with that. Tell her how you feel and if she doesn't like it, "bypass" her.

  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    please please read The End of Overeating by Kessler, he was surgeon general a few years ago, in it he dissects the causes of overeating and the american food industry, we are being drugged by food here and this addiction is terribly hard to control, you cannot just say no to food and never eat again, what other addictive substance does one 'have' to use every day?

    the situation with overeating is that it is in the brain, the neural highways of salt, sugar and fat have been carved wide and deep in us,

    and the only real way to normal eating requires work, sure miss stomach staple thinks she is fine, but unless she is seriously confronting the basic food addiction she will not change her brain chemistry,

    this site provides us with a way to examine and account for the foods we eat, proteins, fiber, fat etc.

    each day of recording, learning to plan our meals, to cook differently, to share with each other, to reach out and to be supported is golden,

    I am also 'losing the hard way', holidays come and I am learning how to deal with them, I am choosing different vegetables, I am tweeking my menus, my grocery shopping trips are different, I look at a bag of cheetos very much differently, I have noticed I do not have to go out to eat every time I go the mall, I try to avoid the kitchen for the present, it was my favorite room of the house,

    I do not know if my cravings will ever ease, but it is easier now after 6 months to say no to myself,

    dry your tears, you are doing the hard and necessary work of brain retraining, do not lose hope, yours is the work she will have to do eventually whether she knows it or not, surgery does not work long term without 'doing it the hard way'

    think of all the $$$ you have saved not having surgery and give yourself a kiss for working so hard
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    :flowerforyou: I feel bad/angry/evil for you.

    Everyone has their own way. I don't agree with surgery personally except as a very last resort, and not to be taken lightly. That doesn't seem to be the case here with your 'friend'.

    I know there are some folks on MFP who also have 'lap bands'(??) and are also using MFP for support and watching their intake.

    I don't think you will find any of those folks who would claim that they are taking the 'easy way out'.

    If you were like me I would expect that you are minus one 'would be' friend. (I would have put my foot in their *kitten* by now!!) So feel free to add me to your friends list to take her place.
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