hi everyone

Hi, My name is Andrea. I'm a 33 year old divorced mom of 2. I joined myfitnesspal on the 5th of January (at 265.8 pounds, 5'1") and I'm still learning where everything is but I love the site so far. My current goal is 150 pounds. I figure I'll reevaluate at that point and see if I need to go lower.
A little background on me...about 2.5 years ago I lost 96 pounds ( I made it down as far as 185 pounds!) using a different weight loss calorie counting website. Unfortunately, in the last year or so, I've gained almost all of it back. I've decided it's time to lose it for good.
I'm thrilled with the phone app. I think it helps me to be more accountable and makes it easier to log my foods. I've noticed that sometimes just picking up my phone curbs my appetite because I see the little icon on my phone! I have also decided to incorporate my weight loss into a research project for school this semester. I have to change a health behavior for 10 weeks. This will also help keep me accountable! I'd hate to have to present my project at the end of the semester and admit that I haven't lost anything or i've gained!
I look forward to learning my way around myfitnesspal and losing the weight for good! Have a great day!


  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Glad you joined up! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    Welcome Andrea!! I think you are going to love this site and the motivation:)