bad days

how often do you all allow yourself to have a treat? I've been craving chocolate for 3 days now, so i gave in today and just had a small bar (as i was still 600 cals under my target) to try and curb the craving, it seems to have worked (and it was so worth it) but i still feel a tad guilty for it, and am hoping it doesnt spark of more cravings..


  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    I got three great ones for this Barb!

    1.) Zone Perfect bars
    2.) Hunts Fat Free Pudding
    3.) Quaker Mini Delights - Chocholate Drizzle

    It's PMS time and I am craving chocolate big time...but these three are keeping me in check!!!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    It's not bad to treat yourself once per week, as long as you plan your other meals around your cheat treat or cheat meal. :) I usually do a cheat meal on Saturday for lunch, if I can afford it.