Who here is a strict vegetarian?



  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    I've been a strict vegetarian for almost 4 years. I do not eat red meat, chicken, or fish, basically nothing with a face! I don't understand how people can call themselves vegetarians and still eat fish. But anyway, once I made the change, I felt tired a LOT for mabe a month until my body got used to it. For a while I only ate carbs and lots of them! I'm sure I gained at least a few pounds. But once I started eating right, I felt so much better and energized all of the time. I can't imagine every eating meat again. Being a vegetarian isn't for everyone though. My vegetarian friend found out she was anemic and had to start eating meat again. Thank God I'm not anemic!

    I mentioned above that some might call me a pescatarian....I think of myself as someone who mostly doesn't eat meat and haven't for 13 years...a non-strct vegetarian etc...I don't care what I am called because I am at peace with all my choices...some people choose to use a label however as it is easier to say "I am a vegetarian" than it is to explain you dietary choices to people. People get off my case for not eating their grilled flamed cheeseburger if I say I am a vegetarian. If I try to explain myself and my reasoning then I undoubtedly get the "if you ate a good steak you would love it" or " well you clearly haven't eaten one of my burgers" or even "I get that you don't like meat but you eat chicken right?"

    Omg doesn't that drive you crazy? I hate Hate HATE it when people say things like that, it is incredibly ignorant! I also go a little nuts when people joke about slipping meat in my food. I mean I'm not a violent person at all, I won't even watch violent movies, but when people do that I want to punch them lol