Hi everyone

This is just a quick hello to everyone. My name is Adrian and I live in NW London.

I used to weigh 15st 7lbs. I ate crap all the time (even though I'm a veggie). I did no excercise at all. My job involves sitting down most of the day in a very monotonous job.

I decided for no real reason to start losing weight.

My diet and excercise was generally as follows.........

Breakfast was one very large smoothie.

Freshly squeezed apple juice (4 apples)
125g of frozen blueberries
100g of frozen Acai berries
I banana
Sometimes 3 or 4 frozen strawberries.

1 Multi Vitamin pill

Lunch was 2 wholemeal rolls with 2/3 slices of Quorn slices with some salad in it. 1 glass of fresh orange juice.

Dinner was 1 wholemeal rolls with 2/3 slices of Quorn slices with some salad in it. 1 glass of fresh carrott juice.

Excercise was just walking the dog. Luckily I live near a very large nature reserve. I would walk about 5 miles a day with the dog. At first, the walk was hard work but as weeks went on I was walking quicker and quicker and then further and made sure part of it was a steep hill.

I must admit it wasn't easy at first and I never weighed myself regularly to see if I was making any progress. One day at work someone looked a little closer at me and said "Hey, have you lost a bit of weight?" It was at that point that I thought "YES, I'VE DONE IT". That was the kick start. It just carried on from there.

Before I knew it, I'd lost 4st 7lbs. Unfortunately, I have injured my back so I have had to stop the excercise but I'm on the road to recovery and the walking will start again in the next few weeks. The only problem that I've had is that since I injured my back I've had to be even more careful what I've been eating as I can't burn it off.

I hope this little introduction about myself and my weight loss has helped you all.