
I'm already over my fat limit, and my calories are running low but I have lots of protein and carbs left..any ideas for snacks to balance out? Or should I just change my ratios?


  • brianhin
    sweet potatoes, whole fruits, vegetables, maybe a good protein bar. all of those except for the last suggestion won't have any fat in it.
  • james3302
    james3302 Posts: 119
    the only things I can think of for protein and carbs is lean meat and a good source of carbs like a sweet potato or oatmeal. If you have protein powder you can put that in water with 1/4 cup oats, blend and drink. I have changed my ratio to 40/40/20 to make sure I get enough protein.
  • cookiejones
    Chick peas? Any kind of beans will have low fat....
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Fruits and vegetables for some carbs and turkey or chicken for protein.

    Try to limit the amount of fat you eat, especially reduce the amount of cheese. I don't have more than 2 oz of cheese per day, there's just way to much fat.
  • Shamrock40
    Something I used to make all the time before I changed my eating habits is a white bean puree/dip. Of course, I used to spread it on bruschetta and top it with carmelized onions and a little peel of parmigiano reggiano cheese ... but the dip itself isn't too high in calories, has no fat, but is good in protein and carbs, so I eat it now, too. Just take a can (or even a half can) of cannelini beans and puree them up in your blender or a food processor with some fresh garlic, salt and pepper and thyme or parsley to taste. If I have extra calories, I strain the beans and add olive oil, but if not you can just use the liquid from can. It will be high in sodium, as most canned items are, but lower on the other items you talked about. It has the consistency of hummus, so you can dip some veggies in it and it's pretty tasty. Something I haven't done but I'd like to try is mixing cannelini beans with garbanzos. Those are both excellent sources of protein and carbs, just not sure how they'll taste together.
  • Janelle3927
    Wow! Thanks everyone these are great suggestions! I changed my settings to the recommended plan (because I don't really trust my own dieting plans) so now I'm almost 1/3 over my protein and a few over in fats but I don't really mind it's my first day with fewer calories (I switched my settings from lightly active to sedentary). It'll take some getting used to, but for now I have to remember that in the big scheme of life it's just one day and all my hard work is not going to cancel out in 1 day! -Sorry getting all emo on u guys :P Thanks for the great recipes and snack ideas I will def refer to these posts in the future! Feel free to keep them coming!
  • Janelle3927
    @ NoAdditives Umm were u spying on my food diary for today?? lol I had 4oz of cheese for snack and realized after I put it in how fattening it is..but I love cheese do you know of any cheeses that aren't high in fat?
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Hummus? Or hot cocoa if you're as cold as I am today! Fruit?

    And I like swiss cheese for a lower fat cheese.