Becoming obsessive...

I have noticed a lot of people on here seem to have become obsessed with their calorie and macro nutrient counts. I see countless questions regarding being over/under their calories for one day or one day they aren't spot on with their nutrient percentages and they want to know if that is going to hinder their weight loss. I applaud everyone that is trying to take control of their lives and maybe I just have a different approach. I still want to live my life and I am using this site to get an understanding about making healthier decisions. I don't want to live the rest of my life freaking out about every calorie I eat or every carb I put in my body. My fear is that some people that are becoming obsessed with the counting are setting themselves up for failure. Eventually I have to assume that this constant stress over food will get old and they will fall back into bad habits.

I just wanted to give my two cents on an observation I had. I'll be curious to see what everyone else's take is on this.


  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I have noticed a lot of people on here seem to have become obsessed with their calorie and macro nutrient counts. I see countless questions regarding being over/under their calories for one day or one day they aren't spot on with their nutrient percentages and they want to know if that is going to hinder their weight loss. I applaud everyone that is trying to take control of their lives and maybe I just have a different approach. I still want to live my life and I am using this site to get an understanding about making healthier decisions. I don't want to live the rest of my life freaking out about every calorie I eat or every carb I put in my body. My fear is that some people that are becoming obsessed with the counting are setting themselves up for failure. Eventually I have to assume that this constant stress over food will get old and they will fall back into bad habits.

    I just wanted to give my two cents on an observation I had. I'll be curious to see what everyone else's take is on this.

    Man, I just posted about losing my motivation, and I think this obsessive behavior may be to blame. I'm eating well, getting enough calories, and treating myself, that's not the problem. It's the incessantly thinking about food and exercise--it's draining my mental energy at a breakneck pace! But I don't know how else to keep track and make sure I'm doing the right thing, without logging it and paying attention.

    I think you make an excellent point, maybe this is why programs like Weight Watchers are successful. You can tally in your head and it doesn't become this "Let me whip out my iphone to record every morsel I eat/ zomg this sushi place doesn't have brown rice I did not anticipate that the sky is falling!" type of thing.
  • angeliq00
    I really agree with this. I have found for myself that what started as motivation has turned into obsession. I feel overwhelming self-hatred when I go over my 1200Cal daily allowance, but because I am exercising too feel that any 'extra' I have can go into crap like wine and chocolate. Then I don't lose weight and hate myself more.

    It is a vicious cycle ;-) Why cant we all just be happy with what we have?
  • 8JamieLeigh8
    It is my 12th day on my diet. I feel like right now I have to be somewhat "obsessed" with what I eat and my calorie intake. When I learn how to eat right again and get the hang of what is good, what is bad. Then I can afford to be more laid back in my "counting" for now I need to be as strict as possible to keep me on task. I know if I were in laid back mode right now I would not make it very long. I understand what you are saying but for me it is just until it becomes a way of life and then I will be able to live life not counting calories, but know what is good and bad without having to do so.
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    I agree. While I want to lose weight I don't want to give up on regular eating forever. I don't freak out when I'm over because there are plenty of times I'm under and I figure it evens out. Once I hit my goal weight I will keep tracking to maintain but I will allow myself to indulge here and there. It's a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    haha I agree with you...! I also dislike the ones that complain they need motivation, bored exercisin'...Seriously first get out of the negative mind frame...Do what makes you happy etc. Help yourself...
    But than again you have to take into consideration, that they may be 'new' to at postin'...
    I vented a while back and *****ed about it on my blog one day...but what can you do...
    Keep smilin' and keep truckin' :D xo
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I do agree with you and I myself get obsessed at times. But I do think that knowledge is POWER. I think some know more than others when it comes to nutrition and dieting. This site is a great tool for support and a safe place to ask questions without feeling dumb or embarrassed.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Well I'm glad there are a few people that seemingly agree with me! I was afraid I was going to be chastised!

    I have been the "obsessed mode" before. I scrutinized everything I put into my body. I never allowed myself to join friends at a happy hour b/c 1. I had to go to the gym and 2. I couldn't possibly let myself drink alcohol. While I looked better than I have in a long time, I had NO life and obivously I was not able to keep this strict of a lifestyle going.
  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    YEah..that "under calories for the day" doesn't usually happen to me...not sure how you guys do it. I have to stop myself from going over like every day.
  • mommy23skllm
    haha I agree with you...! I also dislike the ones that complain they need motivation, bored exercisin'...Seriously first get out of the negative mind frame...Do what makes you happy etc. Help yourself...
    But than again you have to take into consideration, that they may be 'new' to at postin'...
    I vented a while back and *****ed about it on my blog one day...but what can you do...
    Keep smilin' and keep truckin' :D xo

    I agree completely! You're never going to get anywhere with a negative attitude. When I jump on my treadmill, I pump up a fun song and just smile because I know I'm doing something for myself. My husband laughs when he sees me grinning from ear to ear when I have sweat pouring off my forehead. Losing weight is NOT going to be easy, but it's going to be 10x's harder when you have a negative attitude about it.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    haha I agree with you...! I also dislike the ones that complain they need motivation, bored exercisin'...Seriously first get out of the negative mind frame...Do what makes you happy etc. Help yourself...
    But than again you have to take into consideration, that they may be 'new' to at postin'...
    I vented a while back and *****ed about it on my blog one day...but what can you do...
    Keep smilin' and keep truckin' :D xo

    I agree completely! You're never going to get anywhere with a negative attitude. When I jump on my treadmill, I pump up a fun song and just smile because I know I'm doing something for myself. My husband laughs when he sees me grinning from ear to ear when I have sweat pouring off my forehead. Losing weight is NOT going to be easy, but it's going to be 10x's harder when you have a negative attitude about it.

    There are POSITIVE people here!?!?!?! Love it!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Yes, it can be a bit exhausting to count calories and continually think about your food intake on a daily basis but it's also necessary for those of us who have alot of weight to lose, to be diligant and accountable everyday. As time consumming as it is it needs to be done. As for looking for motivation, isn't that what this site is for? To be able to ask for help and support and to not be ridiculed for doing so? We are all here for a reason, to lose weight and become healthier. It's all a learning process and we are bound to make mistakes. Yeah, I may be bored to tears with exercising and I wrote a post asking for suggestions but that is what we are here for! I know I can't do this alone and I will take ALL the help I can get! If I were more laid back with what I was eating and exercising, I would be back to where i was 2 months ago, not caring and gaining more weight. When I want to eat, I come here, I read stories, make comments and try to focus on something other than stuffing my face. So I find this site and all the support a big part of my life right now.
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    I agree with you one hundred percent. It is a lifestyle change not a diet. I keep track of my exercise and my calories. I don't freak out if I am not under my calorie goal. I still have everything I like just in moderation, and that is what is important. I can't keep counting calories the rest of my life. I keep an eye on my portions, and what I actually eat.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    haha I agree with you...! I also dislike the ones that complain they need motivation, bored exercisin'...Seriously first get out of the negative mind frame...Do what makes you happy etc. Help yourself...
    But than again you have to take into consideration, that they may be 'new' to at postin'...
    I vented a while back and *****ed about it on my blog one day...but what can you do...
    Keep smilin' and keep truckin' :D xo

    My above post was more directed to this post here! It's not about being Negative, it's about getting the help and support you need tp feel positive about what you are trying to accomplish!
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    It is the big picture that counts. Sometimes it is hard to remember it, though.

    I was stuck on a plateau for what seemed like months and was starting to get over obsessive because I was not losing weight as I thought I should. However, entering intake and exercise have been a good discipline and have helped keep me motivated despite a depressingly stable weight!

    Looking on the bright side, I did not gain significantly over the holidays and was ready to give exercise a boost in the New Year. But I am so happy that I am starting to see results again.
  • mariasheehan
    I agree!!!!! this is totally a way of life for me, this is working for me BECAUSE I'm not obsessed with being over or under. I'm just ticking along from day to day, I'm losing very slowly because I'm still eating (in moderation) the things I love to eat. I just couldn't have a life without a glass of wine, a bowl of ice-cream, cookies and candy from time to time.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Actually, Weight Watchers emphasizes keeping a food diary, too. I don't think there is any way around it. If we were all able to "tally in our heads" what we've eaten and stay honest/real with ourselves, we probably wouldn't need to lose weight in the first place. At least that is the way it is for me. Being a "grazer" I used to put away a ton of calories without realizing how quickly they added up. This site has been such a great tool for me.

    This is the first time in my life I've had a balanced approach to weight loss/eating. I am eating dinners with my family (with careful planning), enjoying dark chocolate, snacking, eating lots of fruits and veggies, going out to dinner (with careful planning) - for me it is the most amazing gift to be able to EAT real food, lose weight and be accountable. I LOVE IT! I have done every stupid diet out there. This is such a HEALTHY approach for me. I am feeling happy and optimistic about my body for the first time in years!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It is my 12th day on my diet. I feel like right now I have to be somewhat "obsessed" with what I eat and my calorie intake. When I learn how to eat right again and get the hang of what is good, what is bad. Then I can afford to be more laid back in my "counting" for now I need to be as strict as possible to keep me on task. I know if I were in laid back mode right now I would not make it very long. I understand what you are saying but for me it is just until it becomes a way of life and then I will be able to live life not counting calories, but know what is good and bad without having to do so.

    I totally agree with you, once it becomes routine and I can eyeball portions...then I'll be a little more laid back...but right now I'm learning a whole new way of life, and it doesn't come easy. My entire routine has to be interrupted in order to adjust to a healthy way of living, or else I wouldn't be over weight...But I get what the orginal post was saying, it does make you want to rip your hair out and fall off the wagon...that's why I'm lax on weekends, and I give myself a cheat meal (sushi, but lots of it, not just the 4 little pieces recommended)...non-food rewards are another great way to keep going. I personally don't do that, but it's a good motivator, or mani/pedi's or a massage...but lots of people do give up..
  • bobbidigital
    I feel like I have to be obsessive about logging everything, but not necessarily about calories. My biggest problem is portion control. I need to understand what an 8oz glass of orange juice looks like. It also forces me to make better decisions in combination with my food. I can have a cheeseburger, but that means I'm eating green beans with it to round it out.

    The reason I need to feel obsessive about logging is because only then do I make the mental connection about how bad the things are that I'm putting into my body. Sure, every once in awhile I'll derail and over eat a bit. Going back the next day and seeing that those 4 slices of Dominos Pizza probably weren't worth the 1200 calories I spent eating them. (That's my wife's total calorie intake for the day)

    Just my 2 cents.
  • PStiffler
    I went 10 calories over today, so I've shaved my hair off to compensate. :D
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I went 10 calories over today, so I've shaved my hair off to compensate. :D

    Awesome!! :laugh: