I don't know what to do anymore!

Lokitaa21 Posts: 13
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 5'2 and weigh 159lbs. I want to lose at least 32-36lbs in the next 21weeks but my body will not lose weight. I've been eating 1200 calories everyday maybe a tiny bit more and i work out at least 30min 5times a week. I haven't lost ANYTHING! I don't want to up my calories because then i wont lose the amount of weight i need to. And i change my exercise from jillian michaels to leslie sansone every other day. I dont know what to do anymore. I really want to lose this weight and i dont know what to eat to get my calories in without going over or eating to much. I drink PLENTY of water. Someone help me please!!!


  • prettier_me
    prettier_me Posts: 53 Member
    hey girl! losing weight can be SOOO frustrating sometimes. i have a similar problem in that it is very difficult for me to lose weight! i know it seems like if you up your calories you won't lose weight, but why not try it? I suggest going up to 1300 calories a day and aiming for 45minutes-an hour of working out every day, maybe with a day off every week to give your body a rest. don't give up!!! we're all cheering you on :)
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Try working out for more than 30 minutes. You might not be burning as many calories as you think in 30 minutes and you might be underestimating the amount you are eating.
  • mariyumm
    mariyumm Posts: 10 Member
    Also, take measurements ~ it does help to the difference ....
    remember a lb of muscle looks better than a lb of fat ;)
  • Thank you(:

    And my fear is if i up my calories i might gain weight. Id rather maintain then gain a whole bunch of weight. And i already have a hard enough time getting the calories i need in now. I dont know how im going to get an extra 100 in. I already eat plenty of almonds.
  • I have realized that it has nothing to do with weight! We are all so busy looking at the scale and I realized that I was not losing any weight. I finally measured myself instead and realized I had lost so many inches and never lost a pound. Muscle weighs more then fat and after you keep at the measuring your weight will go down. Dont give up!!!!!!!!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Every body is different, literally. For me, I lose the most weight when I go heavy on the weights and not so much on aerobic exercise. It's kind of like eating, it's all counter-intuitive. If you eat too little, your body will hang on to the weight so you don't go into starvation mode. For some of us, building muscle is what burns the fat much more than aerobic exercise. Ironically, I gained about 20 lbs. when I trained for a 100-mile bike ride because my coach told me to stop lifting weights! I wish I had never listened to him. Good luck!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Up your calories by 150-200 for a day, then drop back down to keep your body guessing. Also, make sure you drink about 8 cups of water. I was in a short plateau for several days and yesterday I ate a caesar salad and went over by 170kcal. I made sure I got enough water and today I was 1 lb lighter. Good luck and don't give up.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    First of all Are you eating your excerise calories? Do that, yes beleive me! Second have you tried doing a little zig zagging. Go up for a few days then back down again. Just to make your body feel like its not starving. Hang in there it will come again. I get stuck all the time.
  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the exact same boat same height same weight, Scale won't move! That is why I have decided to monitor exactly what is going in and out and to adjust calories if need be until I see some movement again.
  • Jbonar
    Jbonar Posts: 29 Member
    I second the above. If you aren't losing now, what's the harm in upping your intake? Give any change you make a couple of weeks before you decide whether it's working.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    How long have you been sticking with the diet and exercise? If it's only been a week or two you need to just stick with it... some people lose weight right away, but for others their bodies seem to need time to "adjust" to what's going on.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    If you want some meal or snack ideas, go through some journals to see what they are eating and second, are you watching your carb intake as well? Bread is my killer. So is salt, keep that as low as you can. It takes a while to get into the grove of things.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Try adding strength training. It is a very important and often over-looked part of losing fat. Here's an article that explains a little bit about it. http://www.ptcfrankston.com/doc/newsletter/PTC_Newsletter_IssueNo37.html I kinda ignored the eating part, but it really gives some good information on strength training, and why its not enough to just rely on cardio all the time.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Dump the cardio for now. Start on a circuit weight routine, or better yet, get "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and start stage 1. True, you will eat more, and begin to rethink the way yuou see fats in your diet. But the workouts are about 30 minutes (exclusive of any warmups you do, or interval sets) and as you build muscle, should begin to communicate with your body about how it feels when it needs fuel. Eating 5-6 times a day keeps the metabolism going and insulin leveled out.
    The changes in your body comp are extraordinary. After a workout,(increasing the weight incrementallty with every rep and every set) you should **feel** like you have worked out and the next day moreso. I am nearing the end of stage 1 and am so pleased with the definition and fat loss.
    You can always fill your non-weights days with a little cardio, say 30 minutes. Better yet are intervals, which take anywhere from 12-28 minutes. Plyometrics are awesome and take a few minutes (I do mine before a circuit), but have impressive results.
    Keep your body guessing as to what its going to ingest each day and what you are going to be asking it to do, and it wont adapt.
    Good luck.
  • prettier_me
    prettier_me Posts: 53 Member
    you said you eat plenty of almonds...i'm not sure what your daily intakes are looking like, but maybe you need to vary up your foods. make sure you're only eating a serving of almonds. nuts are very high in fat, and while they're good for you, too much of a good thing can be harmful! be sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains!
  • Look up the symptoms for PCOS. If you have a few of them book an appt with your doctor. Failing that and your unwillingness to up your calories, I can't help you.
  • jrow5
    jrow5 Posts: 35 Member
    I too am 5'2"....I started at 156.86lbs. On Nov 5th I began a WW style of dieting. I'm a nurse, working part time, so I'm on my feet a lot - as well as mom to 5 kids.

    Honestly, I don't work out much because I just don't have time.

    My CW is 138.2lbs. I aim for about 19-20pts for a daily total, I don't use "extra" points BUT I do go a little "free" on the w/e with my eating, not anything crazy.

    I don't lose much the week of my period so maybe that is what is going on with you too? Stress = cortisol = weight gain. I think measuring yourself is a wonderful idea! Best wishes!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Lots of great suggestions here . . . I agree . . .

    #1 - make sure you are measuring and weighing all food as it is VERY easy to overestimate
    #2 - add strength training to your routine a few times per week (can be done every 2nd day)
    #3 - up your water from 8 glasses to 10 per day
    #4 - calorie shift, this means consume a different amount of calories every day. Since I've been doing this I've had the best success. One day I eat 1200, the next 1350, then 1150, etc . . . I NEVER eat the same thing 2 days in a row nor do I eat the same amount of calories 2 days in a row.

    Shake it up!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Also, this is a common problem- People get on here and automatically set their calories to the lowest allowed limit. You need to work toward that, so it is very likely that you aren't eating enough. It was recommended to me to gradually lower my calories as I lost weight, and then as I get closer to my goal weight, to slowly add calories so I can work toward maintenance. Make sure you are properly fueling your workouts!
  • Don't stop trying, you have know where to go with stopping. So, I agree that you should up the exercise to 45 minutes or longer, that should be about 2 miles of walking per day. Also drop your calories down to 1200, When I was on Jenny Craig I was only allowed 1000 per day, so that gives you a range to play with and watch your salt intake.
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