Obese? Walk or Eat My Dust!



  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    I am 49 and been what I consider way to heavy since my youngest was a thought - going on 14 years. I am just a few pounds heavier than you but my goal weight is 135-140. Sounds like the walking for you is going well. I want to increase my distance of 2 miles a day this week - a little goal but hopeful for better results.
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    Day 5 - done - another one bites the dust - ohoooohoah hoooo! another one bites the dust! Tomorrow I am going for 2.5 miles! How is everyone else doing?
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    DAY 6 - approaching 1 week down! Reached a mini goal of 2.6 miles today!

    I am putting my goal on a time limit - going for just shy of 51 weeks which I believe will put me at 01/01/12. Was hoping for November - our anniversary but may be pushing it. So 50 weeks to go!

    Need to research the real caloric burn from walking a mile at 3 - 3.5 miles per hour? Up until now I have chosen an existing figure that someone else had already entered. Anyone have any thoughts about determining that number?

    Just plan to write and post the walk here now instead of here and in my blog. Will post other things on the blog but the daily walks/stuff here.

    How's the walking going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????? Anyone else walked today?
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    Day 7 :sick:

    Monsoon season and an old health issue reared ugly heads today. Never thought I could do it but put in my Walk away the Pounds video and did a slow mile. Just have to hope tomorrow is a better day and things turn around - 'we shall overcome!' :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone was able to walk today - 1 week done! - Maybe it didn't go out with the blast I had hoped for but done none the less!
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    Day 8 - Better Day. Feel a little better and the rain has stopped! Weigh day for me and was able to - move my ticker 3 big ones!!!!!!!!!!!! yahoo!!!!!!!!!! did I say yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got my walk in - 2 miles - just still taking it a little easy. How goes the walking?
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    I am doing my walking challenge and have a ?. Can anyone can tell me from experience if walking alone will tone up my thighs and rear end or will other exercises be needed. I know they can't hurt but wondered if walking alone will do it?

    WWM Challenge - nice to see so many people jumping on this band wagon, but it is ok! I will continue on my quest to walk myself back to better health, fitness and a much smaller size - hahahahaha! I have decide on three different walking routes to keep things interesting. Will alternate them. Also, may do a leisurely Sunday walk for a change of pace and a small break. Let's face it, with the extra 100 lbs I am carrying around, I think my feet will thank me!

    I have decide to break this up into three time periods. So Challenge Phase One is to continue from here and walk for a total of 48 days straight.

    Day 9 and 10 - Still walking and determined as ever. Day 9, 1.5 miles - Day 10, 3 miles! Very happy to still be on track :bigsmile: 10 DAYS DOWN AND 38 TO GO in Phase One!

    Anyone else walking - how goes it?
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    Day 11 Another one down yes another one down~ 2 miles
  • adair2bthin
    adair2bthin Posts: 31 Member
    just going to do this on my page from now on - ciao