when do you work out?



  • marrieandfive
    i like the part about killing the afternoon munchies with a workout. maybe you can get your kiddos involved in the workout: i think doing what kids do would be an amazing workout, how about going to the park and following them around with all their climbing, squatting, jumping etc. could be amazing.

    I've been doing this too, but I like to have my "formal workout" out of the way just in case!
  • marrieandfive
    I'm glad you asked this.... I have a daughter that is 17mo old and I have the same problem. My hubby goes to school in the pm so that doesn't work. Morning does seem to be the best for me but I just can't manage to drag myself out of bed any earlier then I have to for work and that is even a challage! Good luck all. I just need some good motivation

    I was having the same problem until just recently. My twins are still nursing (they are 22 months old) and they wake up to nurse at 6 so I've just been telling myself "You're already up, just go do it" because I know it will be WAY easier to get it done while everyone is asleep. I have to get up to take the older kids to school anyway, so it's only a half an hour earlier.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I find the only time I get motivated enough is the middle of the night.. 1-3am. I'm a night owl.
  • helenamonks
    I don't have kids, but I work two jobs and a high maintenence hubby, so I normally squeeze workouts almost everyday when/where I can. Some days I work out before work after I drop hubby off, some days I work out on my lunch break, somedays afterwork, somedays at home, somedays at the gym... just depends on what I'm facing that day. I'm trying to get an official schedule, but its kind of hard when your schedule varies so if i spend every waking minute of my time doing something constructive, that normally works for me.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I find the only time I get motivated enough is the middle of the night.. 1-3am. I'm a night owl.

    Haha, me too! 24hr fitness gyms are made for people like us. I try to keep it reasonable by working out before midnight since my school gym closes at midnight and I'm already paying school fees for it even when I don't use it. I noticed that on occasions when I workout earlier, my day is more productive and I'm generally in a better mood. But yes, late at night is when I'm like "I feel like doing 100 crunches, and oh where's my aerobics dvd?" :laugh:
  • paragoalie
    I'm very odd....I usually work out before I go to bed around 2 or 3am,
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Its always interesting to see how different everyone is with this.

    I do both morning and after work sessions.

    Some days both. Usually around 20-40 minutes each totoally depending on the workout. (Crossfit/cardio or Normal strenght training). On a normal strenght training day, i'll do it at around 7pm.

    No kids yet helps with this! :)
  • Diva_Of_Geneva
    Diva_Of_Geneva Posts: 9 Member
    I did really well working out in the morning but got off track with that so I've been doing it in the evenings while hubby and son are watching TV. My plan is to eventually start getting some exercise in the mornings and to continue with my evening routine.
  • mmmary201
    I much prefer late in the evenings. I like to workout hard and then sleep. I had my best results when I worked out around midnight.