New and ready to lose :)

I am a 25 year old female, 5ft 4in and currently weigh 148 pounds. My goal weight is 125. Which means that I have 23 pounds to lose. I would like to lose the majority of it by March when I go home and see my family. I have tried to lose weight in the past but have never had succuess. I need to learn to stick to the new lifestyle change of eating healthy. Hopefully I will find some support on here :)


  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Hi and welcome! Good luck to you.
  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    This is a very supportive site! You will get plenty of motivation and encouragement here! Best of luck to you! :)
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    This is a great site...I think you will really enjoy it. Good luck!
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Best of luck to you! There's strength in numbers they say, and there are a lot of people here to help!
  • hendricks1309
    Thank you all! I am so happy and excited to start this journey and be a part of this site.