Eating and the woes of working weird shifts

First, the facts!
I start work at 4:30am.
I work until 1:30 - But I generally don't take a lunch break (I'll eat at my desk) and leave at 12:30.
It takes half an hour to get to work - I have to leave the house at 4:00.
I generally get all my stuff ready the night before (clothes, food...)
I wake up no earlier than 3:30.
I don't usually eat before leaving the house. (it's too damn early to eat!)
I work Monday to Friday.
I go to bed much later than I probably should (I'm generally not in bed before 9:30 - 10:00)

I want to try to have an as "normal" eating schedule as possible.
What I have been doing is making myself some berry shakes (which I totally love!) and having one as soon as I get to work. Sometimes I'll have it while driving in. Then, around "normal" breakfast time, I'll have what I call "2nd breakfast" (I feel like I hobbit). At this time, I'll have some kind of breakfasty food (usually a bagel with peanut butter or cereal.)

Do you guys work shifts? How do you handle the changes when it comes to your eating?


  • melodramababs
    I can't be the only one working weird shifts while trying to eat better. :happy: