Trouble Staying Focused.

Jen_Sp Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on a roller coaster since October of 07. Never dieting though. I have lost and gained 10 lbs. My goal is to shed 50. I am consistent and then work gets in the way and then I am out of it for 2-3 weeks. So I am never on a great point. I am Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding October 25 so that is my new goal that isn't going anywhere. I don't plan on loosing all 50 by then. So, June 1st I started my Food Diary again and hopefully I will stay focused. Any suggestions??

I am self employed and work a part time job and raising a toddler. i am also very involved in my community. There are tons of exscuses; I just seem to be running out of time.

Any suggestions? Focusing?


  • Jen_Sp
    Jen_Sp Posts: 4
    I have been on a roller coaster since October of 07. Never dieting though. I have lost and gained 10 lbs. My goal is to shed 50. I am consistent and then work gets in the way and then I am out of it for 2-3 weeks. So I am never on a great point. I am Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding October 25 so that is my new goal that isn't going anywhere. I don't plan on loosing all 50 by then. So, June 1st I started my Food Diary again and hopefully I will stay focused. Any suggestions??

    I am self employed and work a part time job and raising a toddler. i am also very involved in my community. There are tons of exscuses; I just seem to be running out of time.

    Any suggestions? Focusing?
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    I know how hard it is to keep focused! I do the same thing you do..loose weight..then gain it back..then loose it again..and gain.. I really think MyFitnessPal helps me keep on track. I still have my bad days..but I record them on here I can look back and focus on working better next time! I think the busier we are..the harder it is!! You are really active..and I think it almost makes it harder when it comes to dieting! I am a stay at home..homeschooling mom of a 10 yr old and a 6 yr old...and also a full time nanny to a very active now 10 month old.. throw in the kids activities, church, LIFE..and it can be a diet rollercoaster ride. I find that even when I can't be home..I jot down everything I eat..whether its on paper..or a napkin..or whatever! And then at the end of the day I plug it in to MFP and see what happens..Some days are better than others but we can do it! ( I am also going to be in a I am determined to try and shed some lbs!) :wink:
  • I don't really have any suggestions. I think your Focus and will have to come from your own personal life. I've decided I don't just WANT to be thin. But I NEED to be healthy. My son keeps me focused. I want to be around as he gets older, I want to be at my sons wedding , enjoy being with grandkids, and teach him to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. This isn't like a movie for me where a director comes up and says" Here's your motivation kid , run with it" It was deciding life is important, Im important , and if I wanna live long and enjoy all it has to offer I have to smarten up. Being 27 and 310 lbs. was not acceptable any longer. I don't want to be the fat mom picking up her kid from school, the girl with the pretty face, or THAT friend.

    Good luck with your focus.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Focus is my least built muscle! I know it seems a bit anal, but lists will keep everything on track. I've gotten in the habit of listing all the food for the day and I'm doing a better job of sticking around my calories for that day.

    Basically, it'll help you kind of organize your day if you sit down every morning (I know, when do you have the time! But you have to make you a priority!! :smile: ) and map out not only your food intake but your schedule for the day. You'll feel more in control and less likely to binge.

    And, as you probably already do for your kid(s), always pack a healthy snack no matter where you're going and how long you'll be gone. It'll keep you on track at the grocery store when the temptation for ice cream or frozen treats hit. Grab your litle snack pack and crunch. If you don't buy it, you won't eat it and won't have to record it!!

    I'm not a mom, but I've seen how successful women can be if they take a moment to breathe and focus on their needs. And try to schedule. Best of luck!!

  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    The thing that made the difference this time for me on MFP was getting involved in the discussions, and making a point of encouraging others on here, and asking advise.

    Right now I am at a plateau, but I'm not worried about it from reading Bank's post on Expectations. I will not get discouraged this time, because I have read what others have done when they reach a plateau and I have seen that they do break through it.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Pop in tapes at home I try to wake up and run before Hubby leaves but that does not always happen. So the days I do not wake up at 4:35 am, thats what I set my alarm for everyday, I pop in my workout tapes and my kids love the stepper they work out with me for awhile then play. I have three kids 10, 4, and 3. The 3 and 4 year old have their own set of 1 pound weights....

    The dayz it does not fit in oh well running around with your little own does it too.... There is always tommorrow.

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