I want my body back!

So i've been hovering around 225-230lbs for quite some time now and i've been unable to stick to a diet and lifting plan for more than a couple weeks. I really need to get serious and i'm thinking maybe i'll find a few friends here that have similar goals or who just want to share accountability! I have a very strong knowledge of fitness and nutrition but for some reason I just haven't been able to stick with my goals. I'm excited to get started and hopefully this site will keep me going strong!


  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    I hear ya! I've been stuck at 141-138 for months now.. and I know what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing... it just doesn't always work out that way... You can do it, though! This site is great for support :)
  • anrami3719
    Hey there! I know what your going through... I went through it starting around August of last year where I would try to exercise, eat healthy but it just wasnt cutting it.. I was also 230lbs (my heaviest). I have since lost 30lbs.. and am 200lbs at the moment working towards a goal of loosing another 60-70lbs.. What jumpstarted this actual weight loss for me was getting off of anti depressant and sleeping meds.. I lost the first 10-15lbs right there. thereafter the past 3 weeks I started the 17daydiet and i have lost 15lbs already.. It cuts out carbs.. and goes through cycles.. of incorporating the right foods and eliminating the crap! and you just have to do a minimal work out 1-2 times a day of 17min.. I really think you should try it
  • nezeray
    nezeray Posts: 34
    I'm a really picky eater and have had the same problem with exercise programs. I also enjoy computer and table top games more than exercising. About 3 months ago I started doing P90x with some friends from work. Lesson learned: don't try to do a rigourous (1hr a day) workout plan during the holidays!

    After a few weeks, I'll start back and I'm sure I'll get back on track. I have been keeping my eating down though thanks to MFP.com! I never used to look at what I was eating, easily 4-5000 calories a day. Now I'm lucky to stay above the 1200 lower limit.

    I started at 282 (was around 299 before starting any exercises) and am now around 255. :)

    Feel free to friend me, but I'll warn you I don't eat any seafood or salad, so any suggestions of those foods will be ignored. :)

    James / Nezeray
  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    The reason I joined MFP was to keep myself accountable and get motivation & encouragement from others. Once I started tracking my food I couldn't believe how much mindless eating I had been doing. It really has changed my habits. I've been on for about 3 weeks & I love it. I like the tools- food tracker, the weight ticker, the nutrition graph. It all keeps me motivated to see it displayed this way, I've only lost 4 lbs but it is a start. Add me. I'm rooting for you!