I need to be me!

TinaB08 Posts: 1
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a mom of 2 wonderful kids! Kris (6-6-08) Karalena (11-1-10). I was in the alright shape of my life when me and my husband first got married and after he got home from Iraq, weighing 175. After a year of being together (tech 3yrs of marriage), we decided to get pregnant. And we did, but suffered a miscarriage. I took it pretty hard, i battled with depression and didnt really know how to handle it emotionally, so i ate through my depression, and did really process my anger towards what happened. During that time I put on some weight, weighing 199lbs, at which I also got pregnant with my son. I had my son 6-6-08 he weighed 10lbs even at birth and was a c section, recovery was hard. After he was born I had to go back to work full time which put me in a tail spend of emotions. I felt like I was living at work, By time I woke up and packed all the bags for daycare it was time to be at work, and then I wouldn't get home til after bed time. So I was missing a lot of mile stones and just my child. With stress and depression, added more weight. By time I knew what was going on I was 225lbs! I remember looking in the mirror one day, asking what happened??? When did I get this big? I finally decided that enough was enough and I would quite my job, stay home, get my life in order, lose weight. We finally joined the Y but I still wasn't mentally ready to lose the weight. After awhile I lost 5lbs and stayed there, and then surprise surprise! I got pregnant with Lena.... I was concerned with my weight because I really wanted to do a natural birth with my second. And I had a high risk with another large baby, and repeat c-section. I managed to stay healthy and keep a small enough baby, and delivered Lena naturally. After she was born I dedicated myself to a weight lose plan, mainly because I was tired of being FAT! I wanted to be that mom who you looked at and said she delivered a 10lb baby??? But also because I finally respected myself enough to take that step! I am ready to deal with the "why I eat" emotions. I am ready to take off the depression weight, and finally I am ready to just be ME. The sassy, sexy, Victoria secret wearing HOT mom I always saw myself!



    I was always small till I had kids! I had the first two back to back then when i started lsoing weight again was pregnant with our 3rd! I had much the smae feelings as you like how did this happen? Who am I? Seeing myself in pictures or the mirror is like too much reality! LOL
  • tkmedrano
    tkmedrano Posts: 4 Member
    I hear ya! No kids yet for me but I also want to loose weight so that I can just be me. Be who you are now and express yourself in every way possible. Emotional eating is the complete opposite of expressing ourselves. Be brave. Be you. That's probably the best way to loose weight. Portion control and exercise is the scientific way to loose weight but being brave and steadfast in your resolution that's really when it happens. You can do it!
  • Loki182
    Loki182 Posts: 31
    I'm so proud of you, not only for making such an awesome comitment to losing weight but with your complete openness about how you got where you are. I know you can do this and I'm going to be by your side 100% of the way!
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