Wow.....this place.....



  • sarahemily86
    sarahemily86 Posts: 78 Member
    LOL I agree completly... This place is VERY addicting, more so than Facebook!!
  • BlueIrish2
    I know ... right!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Haha yeah my Facebook is being neglected too atm but then no-one on there really knows/cares that this is so important to me. Where else can I have random conversations about splurging on chicken nuggets anyway?! :wink:
    20 piece chicken nuggets at McD's for $4.99. Just sayin.
  • BlueIrish2
    Haha yeah my Facebook is being neglected too atm but then no-one on there really knows/cares that this is so important to me. Where else can I have random conversations about splurging on chicken nuggets anyway?! :wink:
    20 piece chicken nuggets at McD's for $4.99. Just sayin.

    Hungry ... Chicken nuggets ... yum. :ohwell:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    When I logged onto my FB a couple weeks ago, it popped a message, "Who the H3ll are you??"

    Honestly don't miss it.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I agree this almost replaces my Facebook, I have/feel more love here than there anyways and friends on here are way more supportive and give a *kitten*, whereas my Facebook friends don't. I am sure I would go through withdrawal if I couldn't check in every day :bigsmile:

    Thanx to everybody!
  • goldwingrider
    goldwingrider Posts: 25 Member
    You are right, it is addictive, but is has paid off for me! I have lost 19 lbs. in 3 months using this site!
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Loooove this site. :) Still love my FB too, just not as much as MFP these days :D
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Facebook, and I'm on there a lot. For me, it's a valuable tool for promoting upcoming gigs and events, and I LOVE keeping up with friends from around the country...and around the world.

    That said, if I didn't have the ability to block all the game requests, I don't think I'd be there. That stuff is maddening!
  • barberella
    I am totally addicted to this site...And yes, more than FB! WTF???
  • barberella
    I don't just check in anymore, I am on it constantly! I feel like everyone is going to see how much I'm on this by seeing my damn picture all the time! Sorry for that, but this site rocks. I see so many people experiencing the same type of stuff I am, and I don't have that feelling with Facebook very much..I just see their random postings of cleaning the house, or telling me where they were just at. Who cares you were just at Starbucks or Target?
  • misshenn78
    Well let's not go crazy and close FB accounts!! LOL There is a REASON for this site, and there is a REASON for FB. Use both of them correctly, and you get what you want out of both of them!! Who is excited to post a new fresher picture of YOU to show off to your Facebook friends??!?! I know am!!!