Shame Tactics

guardup Posts: 230
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Here is an excellent article about the problem with Shame Tactics often used by high profile (or even local amateur) fitness, sports and other types of coaches/instructors:

There are people who think that these coaches use "Tough Love".

I don't think "tough love" involves shame. It involves intense motivation... setting goals, getting the person to push because they KNOW they can do it... not because they are afraid of failure.

Fear of failure is not a good motivator for sports or weight loss. It might be a good motivator for life and death scenarios... but not sports or other long term goals. Fear and shame cause stress and anxiety. Neither of these is healthy.


  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Great read and thanks for posting that link, Meghan. I agree 100%. The Varsity football coaches at my HS were like that. After putting up w/ it from Dad for all those years, I really HATED getting it from them as well. I've started this W/L journey by just pushing myself. When I get to the point I think I need a P/T and will definitely benefit from it, I'll look for someone who isn't like that.
  • Great post. Although I don't believe people should make excuses for themselves, I believe most people, once they start on the weight loss journey, have stopped doing that. It should totally be about motivation, inspiration, and making sure you're doing it for the RIGHT reasons. Not because someone is yelling at you, but because you know it's good for you and it's what YOU want.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Great post. Although I don't believe people should make excuses for themselves, I believe most people, once they start on the weight loss journey, have stopped doing that. It should totally be about motivation, inspiration, and making sure you're doing it for the RIGHT reasons. Not because someone is yelling at you, but because you know it's good for you and it's what YOU want.

    Hear Here!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It really is like dog training. Positive reinforcement gets the best results.

    Praising your dog when he does the right thing makes him want to continue to do the right thing.

    Hitting him with a newspaper or rubbing his nose in his mess makes him think, "My owner is effin' crazy! Better stay out of his/her way!" Eventually, that dog is either going to have a complex where he cowers whenever he sees you, or he's going to snap and bite.

    We're no different. We want praise and fear punishment.
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