Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

I drink coffee all day long (aprx. 16 cups of coffee). Even after working out I will still grab a
cup of coffee instead of water....I am trying to add in vitamin zero water (no cal). Any ideas
to break this coffee habit would be appreciated:)


  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Maybe hot herbal tea???
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Gradually start adding decaf to your mug (90/10, 80/20, 70/30, etc.). Otherwise you can expect major headaches. You can do it!
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    Try to squeeze in a cup of water in between your coffee. I use this trick when drinking wine ( luckily i don't drink 16 glasses lol)
    Also drink your water at room temperature, it's better for digestion/metabolism, and easier to drink. I fill up a large container of
    water in the morning and let it become room temperature, and use that through out the day. Good Luck!
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    Try to squeeze in a cup of water in between your coffee. I use this trick when drinking wine ( luckily i don't drink 16 glasses lol)
    Also drink your water at room temperature, it's better for digestion/metabolism, and easier to drink. I fill up a large container of
    water in the morning and let it become room temperature, and use that through out the day. Good Luck!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Gradually start adding decaf to your mug (90/10, 80/20, 70/30, etc.). Otherwise you can expect major headaches. You can do it!

    That is such a good idea. I know that if I don't get coffee in the morning, I get a head ache. Good luck!
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    Sorry. That is one I can't help you with. I like you drink coffee all day long. I also try during the day to get some water in by making hot lemonade with splenda. Hope somebody else can help you. Good luck.
  • MomsDaily140
    Options the half/half coffee or the cheaper version buy a bag of your regular coffee & decaf and mix it yourself :drinker:

    I love my coffee too I could drink it all day,... I used to drink two pots a day, myself. My husband bought me a Keurig for Christmas and it's cut my coffee intake to less than half. The coffee seems to be more concentrated so I get more coffee flavor. I like the extra bold flavors.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I agree with javamom with mixing decaf with your regular and slowly ween yourself off.

    16 cups a day, do you sleep at night?

    I am on day 18 of no coffee, I replaced it with green tea.

  • jeffjonesrock
    Maybe find a black tea you can switch with for a little bit which usually tends to contain up to 52% less caffeine than drinking coffee! If you are not an avid tea drinker, you may want to try that for a while and then switch to a healthier option such as green tea or maybe an herbal tea (or just switch to one of those altogether if possible, they contain little to no caffeine).

    If you are looking to add more water and have trouble with the fact that it has no flavor, try cutting up a lemon and squeezing one in a water bottle when you refill it, this helps make water more "drinkable" for some.

    Hope this helps a bit!

  • barberella
    I need help with this too. Unfortunately, it's one of those things I don't wanna give up. I tried to about a month ago. Terrible caffeine withdrawal headaches..I tried green tea. Yeah..No way. I can drink it iced and that's about it. I missed my coffee. It gets me going in the morning..

    How about this? Trick yourself with decaf. I know; you're like 'What's the point?" But it may work. I now turn to Diet Snapple Green Tea in the afternoon and at night. I totally stay away from soda, and I never thought I could give up my Diet Cokes. No problem..Coffee..that's a battle! So, I totally understand!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    16 cups a day is a LOT!! I quit cold turkey just after New Year's, but I only had a cup or 2 a day habit. Fortunately, I also love tea, so I just swapped to herbal and decaf teas. There are 100's of teas to choose from, so there has to be something that you would like out there!!
  • MomsDaily140
    I need help with this too. Unfortunately, it's one of those things I don't wanna give up.

    You don't have to give up coffee, coffee is actually good for you, it helps regulate blood sugar, its a natural antioxidant, etc. It's all the other stuff we put into it that makes it bad and if we consume too much.
  • MomsDaily140
    I need help with this too. Unfortunately, it's one of those things I don't wanna give up.

    You don't have to give up coffee, coffee is actually good for you, it helps regulate blood sugar, its a natural antioxidant, etc. It's all the other stuff we put into it that makes it bad and if we consume too much.
  • MomsDaily140
    okay why did it post that twice?
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    I get the worst caffiene withdrawal headaches and I only drank a cup or two a day.

    For now, I would begin by adding water. For every cup of coffee you drink, drink a glass of water. I bet you will naturally end up drinking less coffee over time...
  • gamer884
    Actually, it has been shown that cold water is absorbed by the stomach at a faster rate, and drinking cold water also forces your body to burn a few extra calories in order to heat it up to body temperature. A doctor recently did a diet based completely on cold water and body temperature...pretty interesting!

    As far as the coffee goes...I am a teacher and I drink coffee all day long. I've been told by some smart individuals to cut back on it, but the kids I teach disagree! They claim it affects my mood lol. I usually try to go to the water fountain between every hour of the day. My suggestion would be to keep a glass of water handy. At home, I usually keep a glass of water next to the coffee pot and force myself to down the entire cup of water while I am pouring my next cup of coffee. I don't know that it is the perfect idea, but it seems to be a healthy balance between no water/all coffee or all water/no coffee.

    Hope this helps!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am a two cup a day drinker. My husband switched from
    coffee to green tea a few years ago and never looked back.
    HMMM he sleeps better than I do. :huh: Anyway, I can't seem to
    give it up it gets me going in the morning too. I do drink alot
    of water too throughout the day. Maybe try water in between
    cups of coffee. Yea, how are you sleeping at night?:ohwell:
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I was never a coffee drinker, but was a major sodaholic (diet, tho). I tried doing just water and then water with lemon. I didn't stick to that. Then I found the Crystal Light Green Teas I love the Metabolism +, Green Tea Peach Mango and the Green Tea raspberry. I drink down a 32 oz. sport bottle in the morning and try for a 2nd one with lunch or even earlier. Like water it will make you pee alot,,so I don't like to drink it too late in the afternoon because I take my walk after work at 5:00. But it tastes good and is very refreshing. I know there is caffiene in teas, and this does help to perk me up, but it gets my liquids in and I drink very little soda now.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I love coffee, too, although I usually only drink 2 cups in the morning. My problem is the cream and sugar I add to the coffee. The sugar calories are a killer but I'd rather use that than an artificial sweetner. Might try fat free half-n-half next week.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Actually, it has been shown that cold water is absorbed by the stomach at a faster rate, and drinking cold water also forces your body to burn a few extra calories in order to heat it up to body temperature. A doctor recently did a diet based completely on cold water and body temperature...pretty interesting!

    While working out, however, you shouldn't drink cold water as it could cause cramps because your stomach does need to warm it up before it can be absorbed. Also, based on what you just said, the body needs to warm it up before it can be absorbed, so, unless I see the study myself and look at the variables and the sample size and method, I would be hesitant to believe cold water is absorbed faster.