Going away for the weekend...FREAKING OUT!!!

Ok so this weekend I am going away for the weekend with a friend. The lodge we are going to does not have a gym and I'm not sure what to expect as far as the food there. I am freaking out! When I'm put in situations where there is junk food around me...I have no willpower! What am I going to do? Don't think I'm a dork or anything but it's a scrapbooking weekend....all we do all weekend is scrapbook (I make them for my kiddos). So I will be stuck in a room with a bunch of women and lots of junk food most of the weekend. We do get breakfast and dinner at the restaurant there, but in between, we are on our own! I do not want to sabotage myself and gain back the weight that I've worked so hard to lose.

I don't really know what I'm asking for from you all...I just needed someone to share my freak out with cause I know you will understand! Thanks for listening!


  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Can you pack some healthy snacks with you for the in between times? I recommend taking a couple boxes of Zone bars. They are yummy and satisfying and full of nutrients. My fav picks are Double Dark Chocolate and Chocolate Mint. Notice my theme - I love chocolate :)
  • maclovin
    maclovin Posts: 7 Member
    When I know I'm going out on the town and having drinks or am going to grab a slice of pizza, I like to tally up what I know I will drink/eat before I go out and then pre-burn some calories the night/day before I go out.

    Just a thought :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    First, I'd bring my own snacks if I were you. Bring almonds (or whatever else kind of nut you prefer), veggies, fruits, maybe some cheese and crackers? As far as meals go, just try and use your best judgement. Don't worry, it's only one weekend. If you do your best, you'll be fine. I'd bring extra water too so you have LOTS to drink. Not knowing what kind of food, it could be sodium filled, which could cause you to have a large gain even if you didn't actually gain any fat. Maybe bring some things like instant oatmeal for breakfast? Sugar free hot chocolate, sugar free puddings, etc. At least you can control snacks and breakfast. Keep yourself full on good stuff and you won't want the bad stuff as much.
  • BriannaSkye
    Id take snacks along with you, popcorn, 100 calorie packs, fruit etc.....at least that way if you are snacking you know what you are eating and how many calories.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    As far as working out, you could do lots of things yourself. Even jumping jacks, jogging in place, going up and down stairs, etc. Do what you can or just take a weekend off to relax!
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    you can do it. Pack a ton of healthy snacks. Also, make it a point of working extra hard prior to this weekend. You won't want to sabotage all of that hard work and sweat!

    Jump online if you are feeling weak. You know you will get the support you need to pull through!!!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    One weekend will not crush you... I have had a couple of misbehaved weekends and I still lost weight by being focused during the week before and then right after getting back.
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Try to log your calories (estimated guesses), even if you don't have access to MFP, just jot it down in a notebook... when you see the numbers adding up it will help to prevent you from mindless snacking! Good luck!
  • sevangelista
    every time you want to treach for something...drink 12oz of water. then wait 5 minutes. you will either make it through or drown:) seriously though...try to set very clear limits before you are in front of everything...but zero is not a practical limit. Like when my friends get huge things of fries and chicken wings...i know before I go in 4 wings 8 fries then water!
  • bradspace
    Understandable. Personally, I just work out like hell leading up to those weekends and just accept that I'm going to give into the dark side and enjoy myself. I would suggest packing some healthier snacking options. Baked chips, yogurt, Clif bars, etc. It won't cut everything out, but it should at least help. Good luck, and most of all don't beat yourself up for a weekend of transgression.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Since there's no gym you could always go for walks alone or with the other ladies from your scrapbooking group around the lodge. Just don't go at night. The werewolves come out at night. :tongue:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just take your own food and pack your running shoes???
  • melindapipkin
    i agree, you should take some healthy snacks with you, if the rooms have tvs in them you could bring along some workout dvds or go walking outside, keep your head up and stay strong
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I am working out everyday day until I leave so really I wont' be at the gym for 2 days. That's not SO bad. I am going to try to at least go for some walks while I'm there. i will bring lots of healthy snacks and healthy drinks for myself. I'm just worried about my willpower. My friend says she will help keep me in check so that will help! I just don't feel strong enough mentally yet to be in this situation. I can't back out though...it's all paid for and everything.

    I can do this. Deep breath.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Google the lodge where you are staying. You might be surprised to see that they have a menu on their site.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Since there's no gym you could always go for walks alone or with the other ladies from your scrapbooking group around the lodge. Just don't go at night. The werewolves come out at night. :tongue:

    Ha ha!!! Well I will be in a wooded area so who knows what's out there! My friend said she will walk with me. We are gonna freeze our a$$es off too! It will be refreshing, LOL!
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Pack lots of healthy crunchy things with some low fat dip of some sort (that way you are cheating a little). Bring some flavored water and some kashi or other grain bars with chocolate or fruit in them. When you get there and have all of your scrapbooking stuff in front of you, you can have all of "your snacks" as well and just tell your friends "No".
  • mpatternmaker
    mpatternmaker Posts: 20 Member
    You can do this! Another suggestion is to have gum on the ready all the time, if your hands are busy with scrapbooking and your mouth is busy chewing gum maybe you won't need the junkfood. Junk food doesn't taste as good with a minty mough...Good luck!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Perhaps you need to look at your mindset. All your posts are you saying you will fail. With that outlook you will fail. You need to tell yourself what you can do not what you can't.
  • Shamrock40
    I would do a combination of all of the above. Do some extra workouts ahead of time, then pack a cooler with drinks and snacks to take with. It will help you stick with where you want to be, and probably save you some money. Who knows, if you bring a few extra apples and grapes and nuts, you might influence some of the ladies you're working with. Also, take frequent breaks - get up and stretch every hour, grab your water and a healthy snack and get outside for a few. Bring some sugarless gum to keep your mouth occupied, and, I'm guessing, with your hands as busy as they will be, and with really trying to stay on track, you won't munch on as many unhealthy things as you think. Eat as many healthy meals as you can and try to take a nice walk afterwards. But I'm with the others, just enjoy yourself, and if you eat something you hadn't planned on eating, don't beat yourself up. You are not going to NEVER have junk food again, so if you eat some, try to keep it in moderation and, when you decide you're going to eat it, by all means, SAVOR IT!! LOL!

    Have fun!