last nights biggest loser .....



  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    On the one hand, as a Nebraskan, my favorite for this year HAS to be Rulon Gardner, a UNL and Olympic champion :-) However, I also LOVE the daughter on the aqua team. Losing so much weight BEFORE she came to the Biggest Loser is absolutely amazing.
    I've been hooked on BL for the last six or so seasons. Usually get a couple of miles on the treadmill in while I am watching! When I first heard the show's title, I was convinced it had to be something that put overweight people down. While I'm fairly sure I couldn't do the kind of workouts they do on the show, watching it has provided me with a lot of inspiration.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    See, I feel like Rulon and his partner are mean bullies. I don't like them..they make me GRRRR! I am guessing that as soon as the contestants all come together, everyone that was training with them will try to make a big alliance to vote them out.

    But of course, along with everyone in the world I am head over heels for Aqua Courtney. She is a role model for everyone!

    So, I figure that Dan and Don guzzled water before the weigh-in...I was wondering why only Dan didn't do it...why would they think they would need to gain sooo much to go below the yellow line? Don is going to either die or blossom...I hope it's a blossom...

    I was also kind of frustrated that they didn't say anything about what Arthur was going through!! I saw the whole episode and there wasn't anything about him not being able to work out, or taking antibiotics or having his calories bumped. Come on editors, get it together!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I was also kind of frustrated that they didn't say anything about what Arthur was going through!! I saw the whole episode and there wasn't anything about him not being able to work out, or taking antibiotics or having his calories bumped. Come on editors, get it together!!

    That was surprising to me as well, but i figured that my husband and I were talking too much during the show and that I missed it.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Every season is getting worse and worse. Its more drama now and its stupid.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    I was also kind of frustrated that they didn't say anything about what Arthur was going through!! I saw the whole episode and there wasn't anything about him not being able to work out, or taking antibiotics or having his calories bumped. Come on editors, get it together!!

    This might be the story line for this week. They only have time to really put out one storyline at a time. With them having two teams in separate places it looks as its even harder to do.
  • shinybonnie
    I feel bad for the Black team b/c they are likeable guys, but seem to have a loser mind-set that keeps them from succeeding. I was so excited for them the first week (or second week?) when they both lost a big number after doing poorly in every challenge. Sabotaging their own success is totally in line with their personalities, though.

    I don't like the unknowns!! How is it that they are so organized and win every challenge?? That Rulon and his boy are the leaders of that group, and I don't like them. Every time Rulon talks, he is talking about how he's an olympic gold medalist with "the heart of a champion." Give me a break, you gained 400 pounds, quit telling us you have the heart of a champion. It seems to me like when he applied for TBL, he had his story line already picked out. I'm not buying it. I haven't seen him struggle, just boss others around and tell them how their not doing good enough. That's not the heart of a champion; that's the heart of an s.o.b.

    Ah well, done ranting! So when does the unknown's immunity run out?
  • shinybonnie
    Grrrr SOTU took an hour off my TBL. I guess we have to wait til next week to see the weigh-in. I wonder if Don really wants to be there now or what. I was glad he "got all the beeps out," but I'm not convinced there was a break through.

    NO ONE was surprised Aurther ate. His "I'm not letting anyone control my future" excuse was BS. He should know that no one there would have sent him to the unknowns. He just wanted to eat it all.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't think it's a huge deal that Arthur ate, it was only 150 calories.

    When they showed the board that broke down what the unknowns calories were for the day I was shocked. I knew they ate what I think is too little, but it was even less! It was barely over 1000 calories. They are probably burning 2000-3000 a day, that just doesn't seem right.
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I was really surprised by that calorie count was something like 1057. No wonder some of them are losing 20+lbs a week! When I saw that menu I thought "my lord, I'd be starving all day!" I'd be the crankiest SOB there!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't think it's a huge deal that Arthur ate, it was only 150 calories.

    When they showed the board that broke down what the unknowns calories were for the day I was shocked. I knew they ate what I think is too little, but it was even less! It was barely over 1000 calories. They are probably burning 2000-3000 a day, that just doesn't seem right.

    Me too I paused the tivo and showed the wife I was a mazed and NO in between meal snacks. No Fresh fruit! I was stunned! Does BL not believe in eating your calories?

    Yesterday I ate 1700 and shorted myself 400 + because of exercise. I dont understand how they could possibly do this. Aside from the fact that they are so over weight their bodies will not believe they are starving for a long time.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I am partial to the Green Team, father and daughter. I'd love to go on the show with my daughter. I don't know how long she would last, but I'd show up every day.

    And I think Rulon and his buddy are great! There is nothing wrong with calling somebody out if they are not working as hard as they should be. Yeah they come off kinda rough, but it's TBL, not Miss Manners.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Ya I like Rulon too. I think he really does have a heart of a champion. Its heard to judge a person on the inside from watching a TV show. You have no idea what kind of struggle he has had or how he got to that place. I can see he his driven. Its like this opportunity awakened in him his inner champion. Its quite likely that he wont be on long because he is such a huge threat as a professional athlete he knows how to bring it.
  • shinybonnie
    Ready for TBL tonight? I guess this will be the weigh-in from Week 4, and the Unknowns joining team B&J.
  • shinybonnie
    wow, these last two episodes have been really great! After last week, I can see why some of you like Rulon and the yellow team. They are some upright men and good leaders. I liked how they didn't want to send Q's wife home since she worked hard and he was slacking.

    And how bout that Arthur? Boy oh boy, what a mess. He keeps saying he doesn't want anyone else controlling his destiny. I have always thought that was just an excuse to eat any time there was a temptation. He really has a problem and so far, TBL has not gotten into his head. I think he is resentful of the former green team because they are doing well and he doesn't like it when others succeed. I was glad that his plan failed last night, but I think he will be going home first chance black team gets. He is way too much of a liability.
  • princesspurple
    i fell asleep! who went home?
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    i fell asleep! who went home?

    Ill PM you since I dont want to spoil!