Hi to everyone from iowa

I am new to this site yesterday. I like a lot about it. I am trying to get in shape for my kids sake. I have an elliptical that I love but I had surgery about 2 months ago so I have to ease my way back into it. I have tried lots of different things to lose weight and nothing works for me because I am the kind of person that requires motivation and push from others. My husband isnt any help because he likes me the way I am but I dont....I need to lose weight because my son graduates in May and I want to look good for all th family that is going to be coming over. I also do daycare so I need to be able to keep up with my kids. Health reasons is another reason i want to drop some weight. I hope I can do this but I know I can not do it alone. :smile:


  • hope39
    hope39 Posts: 19
    Well first of all welcome! And if your looking for support you have found the right place! The people here are amazing :smile: