My BodyMedia keeps me in check!

So, I've been using MFP pal for a couple of years now and it's helped me tremendously with watching my intake etc. Although, I found that I wasn't being strict enough with my measurements and such as far as food goes. Plus, I was using a HRM with a chest strap which I liked but sometimes, it wouldn't get a proper reading, the chest strap would slip even after tightening it, not to mention it was uncomfortable! Plus, I don't think it was completely accurate.

So, just about a week ago, I received my BodyMedia and I gotta tell that I know it's monitoring my every move, I pay a lot more attention!!!! It's amazing!!!! I am really starting to measure everything, sticking to my daily intake and even find myself pushing a lot harder to burn more calories! I've also found the sleep monitoring to be extremely helpful because I know that's a huge part of this journey! And surprisingly, it's not as bad as I had expected!

Is anyone else out there experiencing the same thing? I have a friend who also bought one at the same time and she says the same thing! She's even lost 4lbs with the help of it!

So, if you're on the fence about it, I say do it! If you're really trying to up the antie and take control of your weight loss or even if you're trying to maintain, it's well worth the money!

Have a happy, healthy journey and I look forward to meeting all you BodyMedia, BodyBugg pals! Keep tracking!



  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I just got the body bugg last friday and I LOVE IT!!!!!

    I hardly notice that it is on most times.

    Its the best 150.00 I have ever spent.
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I agree with you Deb! It's well worth the money!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have a FitBit and I love it. I can measure an activity such as a daily walk - start and stop it, and the FitBit will tell me how many steps I took, how many calories I burned and how many miles I walked. This is separate from the full day's calculation of the same thing. I check it periodically to see if I'm being too much of a couch potato, so I'll get up and take a lap or two around the building, just to get some exercise in.

    As for sleep, I always knew I slept like a rock, and my Fitbit confirms it. My sleep efficiency is between 95-98%.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    I just won mine on ebay last week for $79 (included shipping) and I love it! It really is eye opening, now to finally lose these last 18 pounds!

    The sleep monitoring is really neat, even though I found out that I am at 78% efficiency:ohwell:

    The monthly subscription is totally worth it ~ their website is awesome!
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I completely agree with you Deb. I've had mine for a about a month and a half. I park farther and just plain move more to make sure I'm going to hit my "steps" goal.

    For me, by far the best benefit is KNOWING how many calories I'm burning during my exercise sessions.

    In this case I truly think knowledge is power. I love my BodyMedia and believe it's was well worth the investment.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I totally agree :) I love my body bugg!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I just won mine on ebay last week for $79 (included shipping) and I love it! It really is eye opening, now to finally lose these last 18 pounds!

    The sleep monitoring is really neat, even though I found out that I am at 78% efficiency:ohwell:

    The monthly subscription is totally worth it ~ their website is awesome!

    I was looking on ebay to get one but how did it work to transfer from the previous owner to you?
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    I was a bit worried about too at first but once I got my subscription to and plugged in my armband, it registered and started uploading, no trouble at all. :bigsmile:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, seems that the BodyMedia is doing it's job! I've lost 3.2lbs! Woo hoo!!!!!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Thanks for this - I saw it's on sale at Costco through 1/31. I am going to see if my store has them but if not plan to order it.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I am intrigued by the whole body bug idea, and I am considering. The thing that is holding me back is the feeling that I am becoming too obsessed and micromanaging everything. Do you ever feel like this?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    amycal: I would hurry to check if they have it! It's a great deal!!! But if not, it's still worth the money!

    jbug: I see what you mean. I kind of felt that way just by logging my food everyday on here with MFP, but I gotta say, knowing that I am wearing the armband everyday is really a great reminder for me and holds me extra accountable now! The only draw back that I have noticed is that there's not a lot of foods already logged in their data base, you have to manually enter what you're eating, but once it's in there, it's there, so it's not so bad.

    I did two workouts yesterday and burned a ton of calories! I love watching where I'm at with this!

    Hope you all have a great day and make it healthy!

  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Got my Bodymedia yesterday @ Costco
    $199 - $50 MRebate - $149

    I've lost 26lbs since the end of Dec but still have 24lbs to go and hope this will help not only losing the weight but with the maintenance

    I'm a little disappointed with Food Database but... oh well
    I also haven't tried the bluetooth connection yet.

    Is there anybody else using it and what do u think?
    Any tips?