6 meals a day consist of what ?

I know it is everywhere.. eat 6 small meals a day for best weight loss results. What are some meals you can eat? I am stuck on this. I would love to eat 6 small meals a day. I just don't know what foods to eat.
Right now I eat-
eggs and toast
cottage cheese
chicken breast with vegetables
90 calorie snacks

These are not all "meals" and I am tired of eating the same thing every single day.

What do you eat??

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks so much!!!

BTW ( I do not like seafood)


  • alyssa83202
    My food diary is public if you want to take a look! It would be a lot easier than typing it all out! lol
  • helenamonks
    my food diary is public too, feel free to take a peek!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I try and incoproate a fruit and protein with each meal. I had a 200-300 calorie breakfast and lunch, and a 100-200 snack in between, then a 300-400 dinner.

    Usually my in between meals will consist of a protein (almonds, cheese) and a fruit ... this morning snack was Banana & Hard Boiled Eggs... this afternoon will be Orange & Almonds!

    Ideas might be:

    Slices Turkey & Cheese Rollups
    Almonds & Apple
    Apple & Peanut Butter
    Salsa & 1/2 Baked Potato
  • helenamonks
    My diary is public! Feel free to take a peek!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Also A good source of energy and snack would be a protein shake or bar.. and usually around 200-250 calories.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    my diary is also public (i'm a vegetarian though).
    I would suggest hummus, laughing cow cheese, greek yogurt, granola, protein shakes, veggies, fruit, pita bread, salads (not boring ones but add black beans and salsa to make a southwestern one or cut up tomatoes and serve with mozzarella and balsamic vinegarette), wraps (black bean one from allrecipies.com is my favorite), small portions of left over casseroles and lasagna (the 101cookbooks.com mushroom casserole is my all time favorite meal and is great for freezing individual portions), peanut butter. I just nibble during the day and generally do not eat a big lunch or dinner, just little 200-300 calorie nibbles when i feel hungry (NOT when I'm bored).

    Good luck!
  • ami789
    ami789 Posts: 47

    Your off to a good start.

    I always start out eating Oatmeal/Oats for my first breakfast. I'll add honey and fruit. Or PB/Banana/cinnamon/honey.
    Second breakfast will either be a protein shake or scramled egg whites on whole wheat toast with a fruit

    Third meal might be a smaller one maybe have a grapfruit or a protein bar

    Fourth meal..Depends. If I have left over grilled chicken and veggies, or use the chicken and put it in a whole wheat pita with lettuce and tomato. Chicken salad etc.

    Fifth meal..Usually white lean meats with veggies and sometimes brown rice. Normally I stop carbs at lunch. Or stir fry (great way to get your veggies in) Tacos with white ground turkey.

    Sixth meal...apple with granola and sprinkled dark choc chips. (as a treat if I am craving sweets) Or another protein shake which always consists of PB/banana/choc protein powder mixed with almond or soy milk

    I eat really boring meals but I like to keep it really clean. Good luck
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    That's a great start! Here's my norm:

    breakfast: black coffee, water, oatmeal with flaxseed and some fruit OR yogurt with a little granola and fruit
    mid-morning: banana, maybe ezekial bread with almond butter
    lunch: half an avocado, poached egg, turkey slices, carrot sticks with 2 TBSP hummus
    snack: apple with almond butter OR cottage cheese with some applesauce (my mom made it when I was a kid and I still like it!)
    dinner: some vegetable, chicken, rice/risotto/couscous
    after dinner: tea

    and of course, water with every "meal"
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I am doing Food Lovers Fat Loss System.. it is 6 meals a day - 3 meals and 3 snacks... Breakfast lunch and dinner consist of 300-500 calories.. made up of one serving of a lean protein source- 4-6 ounces of chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef , sausage, ham . one egg or 1 tbs of a nut butter, and one serving of carb source- 2 pieces of bread, 1/2 cup of rice cooked, 1/2 cup of oats cooked,1/2 cup grits, 2 corn tortillas, a high sugar fruit,1 cup pasta or potatoes cooked etc and veggies and 1 fat source 1 tbs of oil, mayo, dressings, butter or 1 ounce of cheese. Snacks are between 100-200 calories or one serving of any whole food . can be anything you like- cookies, chips, popcorn, fruit, nuts, ice cream..whatever as long as it is no more than 200 calories. drink100 ounces of water a day.. stick with whole grains, and natural foods
    for example my breakfast today was eggs florentine FLFL style and half an orange
    a typical lunch for me is PB and J on bread and carrot sticks or a large salad with a boiled egg and homemade light ranch dressing and crackers.
    dinner may look like a serving of meat loaf , baked potato with butter and a veggie or taco seasoned ground turkey, fat-free refried beans, on two corn toritllas with salsa, lettuce, half a serving of shredded cheese and half a serving of low fat sour cream.. and a salad with lemon juice no dressing.
    hope this has helped