Feeling drained



  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I get that way sometimes too...I workout hard. work part time, raise four kids ages 10 - 3 years old, my hormonal balances are very sensitive thus I get migraines and goofy mood swings a few days a month..we are working dilgently on fixing that. I also have low BP and as a vegetarian who runs a lot I occassionally get anemic. With that said, from time to time I have to force a rest day. No workout at all. It is hard for me to do that but the rest is required. Also, I will go back into my food diary and check my iron intake etc just to make sure I am doing ok on nutrients etc. If one rest day doesn't cut it I will do one day of yoga for about 90 minutes and then the next I will sit lazily on the stationary bike and read for about an hour. Those are not the intensity of workout I am accustomed t but they keep me in swing but let me rest a bit.

    Have a date night and let go one night and you will be fine. If the TOM passes and you still feel craptastic a visit to the dr to see what might be going on might not be a bad idea either.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I definitely understand that feeling. But like others have said, you've done a huge jump in activity levels and it's really easy to burn yourself out that way. Vary your workouts as much as you can. I like to mix up different combos of treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike because when I'd fallen into a rut of always doing the same exact thing, in the same exact order, I wasnt feeling as motivated to go work out cuz it seemed boring.

    Also, make sure to give yourself at least one day off each week. When you're just soon cardio, you can "technically" do it every day if you want to without any actual bad effects. But having that day off is good for you both mentally and physically. It gives two hours back that day (more if you count getting ready, showering after, etc) to do anything else you may want to do. It's like getting two free extra hours once a week. And I've found that the day after my day off is always my strongest day. I've described it as my Superman day because everything just feels that much better and smoother after my body had a day to rest and recover.

    And it's not going to ruin your overall plans or diet to have a day off, so enjoy it. :)