New here!!

Hi I am new here. I have been doing weight watchers at home and I need a little support here. I found this website in my parents magazine and thought I would give this a try. I am a SAHM with two kids. And I need to get motivated so if you have any tips on things to hep me I am all ears.


  • MindyF68
    Hi there,

    I was on WW and did good on it but than couldn't afford it any more and I have gained back the weight I lost and than some so am trying MFP now. The support on here is great and I get great ideas from others. My main motivation to loose weight is to be around for my family. If you want to add me you can.
    FAKECED Posts: 61
    welcome and best of luck on your journey
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Welcome! I have also done Weight Watchers and was not successful. My mother-in-law, however, reached her goal weight with WW.

    Either way, we're excited you're here!