Changing Goals.....

CJPellerin Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Originally I started MFP by laying out the goal of going from 220 (my start weight) to 150. Setting a 70lb weight loss goal for myself made me feel very pressured. So, after some soul searching I decided to re-do my goal settings. I used my start weight as of today (which is 207) and put a goal weigh of 170. When I reach 170 I will do another goal for the last 20 lbs. Has anyone else done this? If so, did you find it helpful to not put so much pressure on yourself?


  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    That sounds like a very good idea, just take it one goal at a time, reaching smaller goals will make you happier too! Good luck!
  • I found it extremely helpful to set and focus on smaller goals. While it's important to keep the big picture in mind, like you said, setting such a large goal can be daunting and sometimes discouraging if it takes a while to see the results you're hoping for. For me, setting 10lb goals works best. I also try to set a reasonable time frame for reaching each mini-goal. Having little victories to celebrate along the way makes the journey to success a little easier.
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    I think that is a good idea to see that your goal isn't too far. :) The only thing I would do different is to keep your starting weight at the original starting weight. You don't want to discount the progress that you've made so far. :):) Everytime you reset your goal weight leave the starting weight, it will help keep you motivated by seeing how far that you've come. :)
  • Cinlan
    Cinlan Posts: 12
    Yes, I'm doing it that way. The total amount I want to lose was just so far away, that I found myself adrift almost before I started. I've had some quick satisfaction by checking off each BMI level. They are about 6 lbs each & it's soooo good to meet a fast goal every week.
  • I didn't totally reset... MFP kept the 13lbs I've lost so far logged. All I changed was 150 to 170. =) I didn't specify that earlier... Sorry
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