Waiting for results

I had a biopsy of a breast nodule this morning. Now, I'm eating everything in sight. The radiologist thinks it was a cyst so I'm not too worried about the results - but still - it's stressful. I was told to not do anything today so exercise is out. Maybe a little gentle walking would be okay even if only for 10 minutes. For today, I'm going to try to stay within my maintenance calorie allotment but I'm secretly afraid that I won't be able to get back on track tomorrow.


    Been there done that. Twice. And I'm only 20. except mine wasnt a cyst it was a benign tumor. both times.
    I understand the stress, but definitely with a biopsy I would take it easy, those things are painful when the numbing wears off especially
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Hello debtappe,

    First of all, I sincerely hope that everything turns out okay for you. You probably already know that statistics are on your side, but I know how the mind can go to *all* the possibilities. I've been there...multiple times. (And I *hate* those biopsies. My guy uses some spring-loaded thing to extract the tissue; it hurts like hell--at the time and after-- and it turns my breast all black and blue!)

    I can understand, also, that stress makes you want to eat. I'm the same way. (Well, okay, happiness makes me want to eat too. Come to think of it, I'll eat for any emotion. :wink: ) Treat yourself gently. Try to find other ways to handle your stress. Call a friend. Go for a gentle walk (as you mentioned). Spend time with a loved one. Watch a favorite funny movie. I know; you already know this.

    I wish you all the best. Take care. I hope you'll let us know how it turns out. In the meantime, focus on taking care of yourself--emotionally and physically. And, no matter what happens today, you can always get "back on track."
