Getting to 1200



  • adamstc88
    adamstc88 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the advice....I joined this a couple of years ago but never really used it. But I am going to make it work this time. I have to get use to tracking and eating.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    this is what ive eaten today and its 330pm

    Generic - Black Coffee - With One Truvia, 1 cup
    Coffee Mate - Pumpkin Spice Creamer, 1 Tbsp
    Great Value Instant Oatmeal - Sugar-Free Maple & Brown Sugar, 1 envelope
    Grapefruit - Pink Grapefruit , 1/2 raw
    Jennie - O - Turkey Hot Dog, 1 frank
    Nature's Own - White Wheat Hot Dog Bun, 1 Bun
    Mrs. T's Pierogies - Potato and Cheddar, 3 pierogies
    Generic - Black Coffee - With One Truvia, 1 cup
    International Delight - Coffee Creamer - Pumpkin Pie Spice, 1 Tbsp
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    maybe add some nuts? higher in calories but full of good things. I eat 30 pistachios as a mid afternoon snack. Not too filling but it adds calories.
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    My Calorie limit each day is 1200 and I have a hard time staying just at it most days.
    I know that 1200 is the 'minimum' people should eat in a day and I do eat that. But I am typically closer to 1300-1400 when the day is done (for non-exercise days).
    I have a hard time NOT eating this much.
  • JeanK56
    JeanK56 Posts: 76
    Am I the only person that has serious issues with staying under 1,200 calories???

    No! I too struggle to eat 1200 and am now looking at ways to hit 1200 when I don't exercise and to eat all the calories that I exercise. This is a learning process and a good one at that.
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    When I am overly hungry, I make bad eating decisions. I try to eat every three hours whether or not I am hungry or too busy. I actually re-labeled all the MFP meals to reflect three-hour time blocks so I know if I have missed a meal. I have found that I am now hungry at 9 am, noon, 3pm, etc... Kind of like Pavlov's Dog.
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    Im having the same problem some days. My goal is like 2000 or something and some days its hard for me to even get to 1200.
  • jmbender4
    I can not even imagine. I could have done it when I was younger, and I could probably do it for a few days, and then I would be FAMISHED and eat everything in sight.

    Try to eat when you are not hungry. You don't want your body to go into starvation mode and start hoarding fat. You could eat 6 - 200 calorie meals. Yogurt and a piece of fruit; piece of bread with some peanut butter; cereal and milk; Kashi go lean bar; ounce of nuts; all kids of small snacks that can add up to a 1200 calorie day.

    Good luck !