ATTN: People with Full-Time Jobs!



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    You need to find a time and stick with it... I go right after I get off my train. I pick-up the kids at 5:30 from afterschool, and hour at the gym. I go home, cook and eat dinner... watch a little tv with the kids, send them to bed... shower and get myself to bed.

    I do that three nights a week, and always have a workout on the weekends.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I work full time and usually get up early to commute to work. So, I opt to do my workouts after work. One thing I've learned is that your workouts don't have to be 60 minutes long. They can simply be 15-30 minutes, and as long as you work as hard as you can and push yourself to your limits, you can benefit. Try some short HIIT workouts. I also get most of my dinner "prepared" right before my workout, so that while I'm doing my workout it is cooking. Multitasking has really helped me complete my workouts. And if you have others in the house that can help...get some help! If my husband isn't working out with me...he helps prepare part of dinner. I think he knows that if I don't get my workout in...I'm not a happy camper. And a happy wife = a happy hubby :)

    Hope that helps! You get up DANG early!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have the same deal, so after supper, i give myself an hour to vegetate and then I go downstairs and work my butt off for an hour...shower and bedtime. I have a very structured schedule just because I have an 8 year old. so while he's in the shower at 7:30 I get my gym strip on, tidy up while he's in the shower, read and call his father...once he's in bed I head downstairs at 8:00...i do this every day
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I recommend buying a FoodSaver machine, cooking a crapload of food on Saturday or Sunday, and vacuum sealing/freezing appropriate portions for the entire week, so that each dinner is effortless, minus the effort needed to remove portion from freezer and put into microwave! It works wonders, trust me.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    sorry.... double post. Stupid server.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Monday - Friday
    630 am: Wake Up, Get Dressed & Eat Breakfast
    7:45: Leave for Work
    8:00 - 4:00 pm: Work
    4:00 - 5:30: Everyday chores, take out dog & prepare dinner
    5:30 - 7:30: Either have dinner first with hubby, then go to gym. or we go early around 5:30 or 6:00 then eat after we work out.
    8:30 - 10:30: Time at home to relax with the hubby and pets
    10:30-11:00: Bed

    I have community meetings every week at different times so I'm always juggling meetings and working out but I always find time to get it in. The YMCA is open until 9:00. So I have a few options:
    1. Work out early before dinner 5:00-7:00 pm
    2. Work out after dinner: 6:30-8:00
    3. Work out after dinner and a meeting: 8:00-9:00

    On the nights when I get home really late after 9:00 and I feel I need to get something in... I do these at home...
    1. Yoga
    2. Jumping Rope
    3. Go for walk/jog outside, if warmer
    3. Jog in Place
    4. Do lunges, squats, push ups etc.

    At first, I went through phases of saying "I don't have time". BUT then I MADE MYSELF have time. And now it is second nature. I only take a day or two a week off. And the weekends I ALMOST ALWAYS GO. Even if I have to get up and go first thing. I find that if I don't keep at it, then I will slack then I won't get results.
  • okay....

    up at 5am
    waking up my toddler at 5:45
    out the door no later than 6:15
    *drive to work 1hour to 1 1.2 hours*
    work 8-5
    again 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours home
    arrive at home no later than 6:45 (depending on what time i leave work)
    prepare dinner, bath, bed time for my baby all before 8:00pm

    ***no money for the gym***

    full time worker, full time mommy, broke as hell......

    what is a woman like me to do???
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    a skipping rope is cheap...that's what i did...awesome cardio...
  • Jess_03
    Jess_03 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow. My schedule is pretty packed too and becomes worse when at sea for 2 months at a time.

    I recently got some Exhale Core Fusion dvds and they are amazing! You can do the workouts as a series of 10 minute targeted sessions or do all the sessions at once as a 50 minute session. Seriously the fact that I could just do 10 minutes and not need to be in a gym or have heavy home gear makes this dvd series appealing. Some of the dvds require a chair, resistance band, yoga strap, or mat. You don't always need all the items, it just depends on which dvd workout you choose. The classes are offered in a few cities and have left me wanting to tap out and beg for mercy from the instructor. The dvds are much more reasonably priced that attending classes each month though! Since the workout is more of a core vice cardio routine you don't sweat profusely but still end up with muscle fatigue.

    Have you found other dvd series that are efficient?
  • dubmav
    dubmav Posts: 17
    I work from 8-6 everyday while trying to juggle some college courses at night (online thankfully) as well as a super active toddler. There will always be time to exercise as long as you make time. Trust me, I know sometimes the thought of having to balance out all the various types of responsibilities we face may seem strenuous and even hopeless. But always try and keep a positive outlook while maintaining a level of discipline, and I'm sure you should be able to reach any goal you set out for. It's all in the mind. Good luck!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    When you make the time, fitness becomes pretty much your only hobby. It’s a good addiction to have though ;)

    This is my schedule;

    6:00 am wake up
    7:00 am leave for work
    1:00 lunch @ work. Read my textbook for 30+ min, sit with co-workers and relax 20 min
    5:20 pm leave work
    6:00 arrive home
    7:00 dinner is cooked/eaten
    7:30 dishes are done
    8:00 lunches are made for the next day
    8:15 change (since I'm still in my work clothes at this time, often a suit) go to gym for 55 min elliptical workout
    9:30 arrive home from gym, brush teeth, put on PJ's
    10:00 pm watch American Dad
    10:30 check e-mail and pay bills – little to-do things
    10:45 go to bed

    That doesn't include Tuesday nights we have class (grad school) so that’s a 6:00 am to 11:00 pm day, no workout time and textbook reading MUST be done during my lunch hour and on weekends in order for me to work-out during the week. We hired a cleaning lady to come monthly so that removed that 4h chore I did before so that’s my only suggestion is get some help to make time for yourself.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    the biggest thing is making the can do a 30 min workout every day and i guarantee it will be better than nothing...taking a walk for 30 mins and eating your lunch for 30 mins if you have an hour for lunch is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY DOABLE....even doing 30 mins at night before you go to bed....a wii or kinetic game, an exercise dvd, the treadmill or elliptical at home if you have one, a walk around the neighborhood for 30 mins, jumping jacks or pushups or squats or whatever you can/want to do during commercials....YOU HAVE TO FIND THE TIME.....its important....

    well not only do i work full time but i have two kids to get up and out the door and then pick up 2 days a week and then feed and put to bed.....soooo - here is my schedule....
    630-730 everyone up and dressed and such
    730-8 everyone downstairs for breakfast, make lunches, out the door for drop off
    830-9 drive to work
    9-5 work (1hr lunch break whenever i can take it)
    5-615 drive to pick up 2 kids from 2 different schools and head home
    615-7 dinner made, eaten, cleaned up
    7-8 playtime or homework time, kids tubbed, jammied, books read
    8-815 two kids to bed
    815--> my time....either workout or tv with my hubby....

    here is my workout schedule - i end up working out 6-7 days a week
    Monday - PLAN walk @ lunch & YMCA after kids go to bed (830-10)
    Tuesday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch biggest loser (830-1015)
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, & YMCA after kids go to bed (830-10)
    Thursday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, spin class and then weights/treadmill @ YMCA (6-8 - my mom has the kids this night and i pick them up on the way home)
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming w/kids @ YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - spin class @ YMCA
    Sunday - PLAN - group power class

    i go to bed between 11-12 each night, some nights it is later but i only require about 6 hrs of sleep...
    if you want to get fit you will make time....
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    It is hard but I have managed, when I first started working out this was my schedule:

    6:00 Am wake up get ready for work
    7:00 Am head out for work ( I am lucky that my husband works from home and he is able to take the kids to my moms)
    8:00am to 5:00pm Work
    6:30pm pick up kids
    6:30 - 9:30pm make dinner, eat dinner, play with the kids, give them a bath, put them to sleep
    9:30pm or 10:00pm start one hour workout
    Finish around 11:00 or 11:30pm take a quick shower to go bed and do it all over again the next day. I did this for two months.

    In the last month I have started getting up at 5:00Am to work out.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    4:20am first alarm
    4:30am get up
    5 am workout
    5:20 am wake 1st kid
    5:40 am wake 2nd kid
    6 am finish workout
    6:20 am shower/dress
    6:40 am leave for work
    7:30 am arrive
    4:30pm leave work/pick up kids
    9:30-10 pm go to bed

    Got TIVO, record missed shows
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    I workout mostly during my lunch hour because that's really the only time i have, except on the weekends. my job also has a no eating policy, but i ignore that. shhhh.

    i would take advantage of my lunch hour, even if you just get in a half hour. that's pretty much all i have for right now. sometimes a little more, but not much.

    i also do push offs in between cooking. chair dips. jumping jacks. dumbell curls. whatever.
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    4:10am get up wash face brush teeth get lunch ready
    4:25am out the door to work
    5:00am at work eat small breakfast
    8:00am eat lunch
    12:00pm eat small snack
    2:00pm eat small snack
    2:15 work out 1hour to 1hour 15 minutes
    3:30 make dinner and lunches for the week, somedays I don't have to do this
    rest of my day is take care of the dog, play online, pay bills, run errands, etc etc
    I am in bed by 7pm though.. watching shows and I am usually asleep by 8:30 pm

    Edit to note: I work in a lab so I can not snack all day.. this helps alot. But if I know I need to eat and I am legit hungry I go to the break room and have a banana or apples or something.

    I am lucky for now.. I do not have kids to tend too so I realize I have more free time than most. I am also a super multitasker and combine things into one lol. We will be trying to have kids begining of summer so my free time will be short lived =)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My schedule is as follows

    wake up 4:45
    out the door by 5:30
    I take the bus to work and get there around 6:45
    work untl 5pm
    get to the gym about 6:45
    Get home around 8:30-8:45
    Have dinner
    Bed around 11:30

    I run on wayyy too little sleep but I can sleep on the bus if I need an extra 45 minutes or so.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    You gotta make time.

    Here's my schedule:

    0530: Wake Up, get dressed, eat breakfast
    0600: Leave for work
    0700: Arrive at work
    1700: Leave work
    1800: Arrive at gym
    2030: Go home
    2100: Shower
    2130: Fix Dinner
    2230: Pack bag for gym next day, pack lunch
    2245: Hit the hay for tomorrow.
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