Just got engaged!!!

amber_ferguson03 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So far in one week by just watching calories ive lost 5 lbs already!! im ready to have a wedding dress skinny body!! hope the next 35 lbs comes off easy as well.. however i read conflicting websites.. THIS wonderful one ttells me eat 1200 cals a day... however livestrong tells me only 900.. im not sure what to do?


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    way to go! How exciting for you. I hope you and your loving man are very happy!

    You should never eat less than 1200 calories per day. :) Ok well on average by week is what I try and stick with. Your body will get confused and think your starving.
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    i would go with the suggestion you get here. 1200 is the minimum you should be getting and then it adds in extras you acquire from exercise. I find it to be accurate and ive lost alot by following it!
    and congrats on getting engaged!!!! :-)
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    It is not recommended that you eat under 1200 per day.

    BTW, congrats on the engagement! Planning a wedding is so much fun. My husband and I will celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary in May. It goes by so fast, so enjoy every moment!
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    900 is way too low! how much exercise are you getting? 1200 is safe and you will not be hungry so you will stick with it better,,,congrats!
  • linddd
    linddd Posts: 6,591 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations! A wedding and a new life in a new body... yeah!
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89

    I would follow MFP recommendation of 1200 calories. From all of the information I have read (from this site and others) that seems to be the minimum that one should consume in a day. I have found this website to be extremely helpful and motivating. Best of luck!

    and one more for good measure CONGRATS!
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    1200 is the lowest amount you should eat and different people say different things about exercise calories. I eat 1/2 to most of my exercise calories back.
  • Wow!!! already such encouragement from you all!! THANKS EVERYONE!!i do 30 minutes on the treadclimber everyday at 2mph.. i know its slow but it kills me! ive never worked out before and im overweight... im trying to get there!!!
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    1200 is the lowest you should go. I increased mine to 1500 and I have been losing more weight partially because I was exercising and if you do you need a little more calories to sustain you.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    And I totally agree that 900 calories is too low!!! I eat about 1400 or so which is the 1200 plus half of my exercise calories. I have been losing 1.5 pounds per week and can already see and feel a difference everywhere. My clothes are looser and I certainly am not starving. :flowerforyou:
  • Congrats on the engagement!!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I think 900 is way too little. That is almost starving I would say! And congrats on your engagement!
  • All of you are sooo encourageing!!:happy:
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Congrats and 900 is too low!
  • Congrats! Yes 1200 is the way to go! Its healthy. 900 is way to low and it will put your body in starvation mode! Starvation mode slows down your metabolism! No BUENO! lol Goodluck!
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