
okay, this will probably be a dumb question, but im gonna ask anyway.

it's telling me that i need to consume 1500 cals. i think that is wayyyyyy too high. i've only been doing this for two days and i've only been eating 1200 each day. am i doing this wrong? cause i really wanna lose weight. :(


  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    I'm sure eating less calories will just get you to your goal faster. I wouldn't go too much below 1200 as then it may slow down your metabolism.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    If you have added in your height/weight & goals, and MFP has produced 1500, it's not too high.
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    please don't go to low 1500 should be good, as you lose weight and your BMI go'd down you can lower your calories. stay with the 1500 for a month you will see the weight come off.
  • amycrims
    You also have to make sure you're doing something you can live with. Its not realistic to go from eating your regular diet to barely eating anything and think that you'll be fine. Don't make it harder on you that it already is. 1200-1500 is good.
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    1200 is the recommended bare MINIMUM for women to consume each day. So your 1500 cals may very well be right. It's even possible that it's not ENOUGH. MFP calculates your age, height, weight, and activity levels to see what your relative BMR (basal metabolic rate...or how many calories your body burns in 24 hours at rest) and then asks you your activity level to figure out what your active metabolic rate is(how many calories your body burns, PLUS what you burn doing whatever you do daily). Then, it creates a deficit from your active metabolic rate. So basically, if your active metabolic rate is 2000 and there was a deficit of 500, your calorie allowance for the day would be 1500. Following this idea, a deficit of 500 for 7 days would be a 3500 calorie weekly deficit, or 1 pound of weight loss per week (which is what MFP recommends!) Now let's say you exercised after you consumed your allowed 1500 calories for the day, and you burned about 400 calories. This would put your net calories consumed at 1100, and would increase your deficit for that day to 900. This is not good. That's too much of a deficit and it will basically freak your body out and make it think it's starving. So you will need to eat back some of your exercise calories to get your net consumed calories above 1200 again, and as close to 1500 as possible.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    If you selected that you want to lose X pounds per week, and it gave you a 1500 calorie intake, then that's right. If 1500 is what you need to maintain the same weight, then you can drop it down, just not below 1200. As long as you exercise, there's no reason to actually lower your intake. You'd actually need to eat more to keep your metabolism going at its optimal calorie burning rate.
  • Sammyk50
    Sammyk50 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, U should read 700 calories and still not losing! It explains metabolism and eating too low of calories. I think u will be suprised. It explains how eating more calories makes u lose more weight, faster. Take a look. :)
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    haleighallen is right all the way
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    haleighallen is right all the way
    Anddddd that was my ego stroke for the day. Bahahahahaaaa
    Thanks! :P:drinker:
  • carmen62
    I am really having trouble eating back calories. I am making 1200 but then I burn more off. I am really worried that to get those calories, I need to eat a lot and not that healthy. I understand the principle, but I am struggling with actually doing it. I am not losing weight all that rapidly, definitely losing inches. 4 pound since New Year sounds OK to me. I am officially overweight but not obese.

    Any advice?
  • danaaaaa
    I am really having trouble eating back calories. I am making 1200 but then I burn more off. I am really worried that to get those calories, I need to eat a lot and not that healthy. I understand the principle, but I am struggling with actually doing it. I am not losing weight all that rapidly, definitely losing inches. 4 pound since New Year sounds OK to me. I am officially overweight but not obese.

    Any advice?

    ugh EXACTLY!!! lol.

    can someone please advice? lol

    and to everyone who have replied thank you so much for your input. everyone's opinion and advice is greatly appreciated :smile:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I am 5'2" and weigh 105, and MY calories are at 1500 to maintain. There is no way you should go below that and be still fueling your body enough. The taller/heavier you are, the more your body NEEDS to survive. If you go to low, you are going to be weak, tired, crabby, etc.
    EAT. You have permission. But eat whole grains (no white bread, white pasta, etc....the more fiber in your carbs the better), eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, eat lean meats (skinless chicken, fish, turkey....keep 4 legged animals to once or twice a week), and drink at least the 8 cups of water a day. Get yourself a refillable 24 oz bottle, that's 3 servings right there! Keep it with you and sip all day long.
    This is not a "DIET".
    This is you learning how to make a lifestyle change you can maintain for the rest of your life.