New to MFP! Looking for vegetarian support!

Hello fellow MFP users! I am fairly new and am looking for some support on living a vegetarian lifestyle! This is new to me but something I would be strongly interested in pursuing! Feel free to add!


  • emro83
    emro83 Posts: 8
    hey i've been a vegetarian for 14 years and have never been tempted to eat meat! it's great!
  • Nicole1008
    I've yet to give it up all together, I just need to suck it up and give it up!! ahhh i need more willpower!! How was your transition into the lifestyle?
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 15 years and I think meat is gross. If you ever want ideas, feel free to look at my food diary, it's public. I do like some frozen fake meats though, but I don't necessarily eat them every day because although they are convenient for busy days, they are high in sodium (although not as high as a lot of their actual meat counterparts)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Vegetarian. Just watch that you do replace your protein. My favourite recipe books are by Rose Elliott. Do not be fooled that vegetarian means weight lost. I have been vegetarian for 30 years. Back then I was slim and a professional dancer. I am now on MFP as I am obese and diabetic. I am lacto ovo vegetarian, meaning we have eggs and milk. Good Luck.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I've yet to give it up all together, I just need to suck it up and give it up!! ahhh i need more willpower!! How was your transition into the lifestyle?

    Some of the fake meats may actually help your transition a little because it won't feel as much like you're giving up everything at once. Morningstar farms chick'n nuggets are great and veggie burgers as well. Also invest in a couple vegetarian cookbooks to look for new ideas and search some of the vegetarian recipe sites online, I've found some great ideas out there
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Hey there and welcome! I've been a vegetarian (well, technically I'm a pescetarian, but I rarely eat fish) for over 4 years....just kind of decided one day that I didn't want to eat meat anymore. I think it tastes good, but I have no desire to eat it. There are lots of veggies and vegans on here. I have a blog that I randomly post recipes on - check it out if you're looking for some ideas (it's fairly new so there aren't too many on there quite yet), the address is in my signature. I'll be sure to send you a friend request!
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Hey! I went vegetarian this past September. It has been great! I thought it would be really hard because chicken wings and cheeseburgers used to be my favorite food, but surprisingly I haven't had a single craving for meat since I stopped eating it. Some of the stuff I read about the meat industry absolutely disgusted and saddened me so I will never look at meat the same way again. I still eat seafood and some dairy products, though I try to avoid that as much as possible. Morningstar has some really awesome products and Amy's Kitchen has a lot of tasty stuff too. My biggest advice is to branch out and try lots of different things and eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can. When I first went vegetarian I ate pasta for every lunch and dinner. Talk about carb overload! Plus I wasn't really getting any protein so I felt like crap. But since I figured out how to plan meals that aren't based around carbs, I've never felt better. Also, I read somewhere that vegetarians need to take a B12 supplement because that is only found in animal products. Good luck with everything!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    vegan here. feel free to friend me. welcome to the site.
  • skttls1299
    skttls1299 Posts: 15 Member
    Try Quorn brand foods(found in the freezer aisle of Whole Foods, Kroger...) and veggie burgers. I am a vegetarian and I have never felt better! Plus my skin looks great. Try eating avocados, mushrooms...all that yummy stuff. When I used to eat meat I would feel terrible. My body just cannot digest meat well. I would feel uncomfortably bloated after I would eat a cheeseburger. I would suggest reading the book, Skinny *****. They preach a vegan diet, but a lot of what they say really opens your eyes. For example, the hormones, antibiotics they pump into those animals. Also, the living conditions of the poor animals. Usually before they are slaughtered they stuff all these animals in a small room and they are sitting in their own feces. Good luck!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    There are lots of vegetarians and vegans here on the boards. Life long veg here. Do your research! A lot of people do not read up on how complex a veg or vegan diet is. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about easing into the new lifestyle.
    3 important reminders....
    1-Do research
    2-Remeber to get your B-12 every day!
    3-Be prepared for the famous two questions....Why are you a veg/vegan? and Where do you get your protein?

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • miucifer
    miucifer Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it! Just believe in yourself, stay strong, and don't beat yourself up if you slip and have some meat.
  • Nicole1008
    Thanks to all the replies!! I have educated myself on treatment of animals, which is why the only meat I do it is organic, free range, antibiotic free...I do make it a point to control that aspect. As much as the food industry grosses me out, I can't seem to kick it all together. I am doing well and am experimenting with all types of veggies and fruits, just gotta take that final step! If anything, I would consider myself a lacto vegetarian, i have a love hate relationship with cheese and some dairy! Anyone else on here appalled at how the FDA regulates, or should I say lack of regulation our food's sickening!
  • sorabeth
    Hello, I'm new here too. Vegetarian for about 10 years (with a 6 month return to omnivorism somewhere in the middle). I was vegan for the last year, but now have returned to a ovo-laco vegetarian. Although my lifestyle is still about 80% vegan. Being vegetarian is surprisingly easy. After being vegan for a year I feel like I can do anything. Cravings actually do stop.

    I'm happy to hear your making the change for ethics and not just health. It will make your transition that much easier. I agree with a lot of the other posts here, if you slip up don't worry too much. Some people can make the change over night, for others it takes time. You may decide in the end to not go all the way and still it some meat from farm raised animals. I'm sure what ever choice you make you'll feel good about it if your doing it for the right reasons.

    If you want some good links to veg sites or book titles I have a ton!

    (on the b12 issue. If you are just vegetarian b12 supplements aren't such an issue, but for vegan it is! if you want to make that transition).