Birth control = EXCUSE!

I am prepared to be crucified for my opinion but here goes. I believe that many women use their birth control as an excuse for weight gain. Let me be clear please and state that I really think that some birth control can make you gain some weight. I know that the hormones affect different women in different ways. But, I sometimes just want to shake my head at the women who claim they have gained 40, 50, or even more pounds, strictly from their birth control.

I am not a doctor, and I am sure that there is an exception out there who can back up their claim that they gained 50lbs from their birth control alone. I am also not talking about mood swings from the hormones. I am specifically referring to weight gain.

I just had a conversation with a co-worker who is, let's just say, clearly obese. She was telling me about her birth control medication and how much she has gained from it. I see what she eats for lunch, and know from what she says to me that she doesn't exercise that much. I don't want to be rude to her so I just nod and smile. I am not a fan of excuses.

Why do some people try to kid themselves? You can lie to everyone, but yourself. I sometimes wonder what they tell themselves when noone is around to convince.


  • Ashleymf22
    I did the ring for a year and didn't gain from it I gained cause I am lazy and over eat!!
  • akh426
    akh426 Posts: 7
    I am NOT a fan of excuses either! I used to use lots of excuses for my weight gain....birth control was never one of them. I have to agree, that's ridiculous. I can see it MAYBE making you gain 5-10 lbs., MAYBE, but more than that....bad excuse. Maybe you could suggest to her to try a different birth control or talk to her doctor about the weight gain. He will set her straight!
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I did the ring for a year and didn't gain from it I gained cause I am lazy and over eat!!

    I have had Mirena for about 6 months and I lost all of the weight on my ticker with it in. I think that it has so much more to do with how hard you work and what you eat.
  • christinabgsu
    Hormonal treatments (for birth control or fertility or replacement therapy or whatever) always tell you to discuss it with your MD if you have unexplained weight gain. If she really thinks it is just from the meds she needs to talk to her doctor, not just complain to her co-workers about it. :laugh:
  • foxylynxskj
    Although just about every birth control has a side effect of weight gain, people can still manage their weight by what they eat, how much they eat, and exercise. I have been taking the depo shot for about 6 months now and have gained SOME weight from it, but most of it because I eat WAY to much when I eat and snack too much throughout the day. And I don't get a lot of exercise. But I have been watching what I eat, and how much of it I do eat. I have lost 2.4 pounds in 4 days because I have been doing this. And I have been trying to watch what I eat. So even though birth control does make you gain weight, it is not something that people can blame their weight on. You can lose weight. If you get out there and try.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Although just about every birth control has a side effect of weight gain, people can still manage their weight by what they eat, how much they eat, and exercise. I have been taking the depo shot for about 6 months now and have gained SOME weight from it, but most of it because I eat WAY to much when I eat and snack too much throughout the day. And I don't get a lot of exercise. But I have been watching what I eat, and how much of it I do eat. I have lost 2.4 pounds in 4 days because I have been doing this. And I have been trying to watch what I eat. So even though birth control does make you gain weight, it is not something that people can blame their weight on. You can lose weight. If you get out there and try.

    Here here:drinker:
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Excellent point. Truthfully, I think that before you reach the "breaking point" it's easier to make excuses than admit to the problem. Much like any other addicts, weight gain is a product of over eating and a sedentary lifestyle. You don't have to over eat bad food, it might be "good" food but too much is too much.

    Typically speaking, birth control DOES account for some weight gain. It is usually somewhere between 5 and 10lbs and it is because of an increase in hormones (which can make you hungry/tired/depressed... etc etc). I'd say there would be very few cases where it's responsible for obesity. We all know that it's easy to pile on, a few months of shoving whatever in your mouth and sitting on your blurter will do it to you!

    So yeah, you're right... Your co-worker is making excuses... but at some point we all did (even if it wasn't the birth control ones).
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've been on birth control since I started college back in 2000, I have never used that excuse that I gained weight due to me being on it. I gained weight because I ignored what I put in my mouth. My sister on the other hand (love her to death) but she blames her weight gain on the pills. I've seen the way she eats and she snacks all the time. She's as big as me and I've never seen her that heavy.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I agree.....especially when it comes to the Mirena. The hormone is such miniscule amount --- it's main purpose is to act locally on the uterine lining. I've had mine in for 3 years with no problems, any weight gain I've had is from not taking care of myself. I've been on different types of B/C pills, and did find it hard to lose and that was one of the reasons I chose this particular IUD. I didn't want anymore excess hormones in my body.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Excellent point. Truthfully, I think that before you reach the "breaking point" it's easier to make excuses than admit to the problem. Much like any other addicts, weight gain is a product of over eating and a sedentary lifestyle. You don't have to over eat bad food, it might be "good" food but too much is too much.

    Typically speaking, birth control DOES account for some weight gain. It is usually somewhere between 5 and 10lbs and it is because of an increase in hormones (which can make you hungry/tired/depressed... etc etc). I'd say there would be very few cases where it's responsible for obesity. We all know that it's easy to pile on, a few months of shoving whatever in your mouth and sitting on your blurter will do it to you!

    So yeah, you're right... Your co-worker is making excuses... but at some point we all did (even if it wasn't the birth control ones).

    I gues you have a good point here too. My excuse was I had just had a baby. That is why I weighed 251lbs. Completely pushing aside sthe fact that many, many women give birth and do not get near as fat as I was. But, it was my excuse until I acknowledged I it was my fault.
  • CobraBubbles
    In simplicity, I absolutely agree with you.
  • christinabgsu
    Wow, it is awesome to hear so many people taking responsibility for our choices!! This is really inspiring to me in an odd way. I feel like all of these responses were made by women who are truly ready to make a change and improve their lives. Yipee for all of us!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I agree that some people do use it as an excuse, and that the weight can be lost, but it's true that the pill can cause weight gain. Every time I've been on the pill, I've gained about 10 pounds. Now, I never cared because I was underweight the first two times I was on it and the most recent time... well, the most recent time I was bound to gain weight anyway because I couldn't stop eating. :laugh: But it can cause a slight weight gain for some women. What you're talking about with your coworker though -- no, I've never heard of it causing that kind of gain.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I won't blame depo entirely for the weight I gained back after my pregnancy, but I'll give it some credit. It was like being pregnant all over again. And really, how successful are you going to be loosing weight if, when your still breastfeeding, your doctor tells you not to try to loose weight, and your still having the cravings you did when you were pregnant?
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    Ivy -- I LOVE your! :laugh:
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm finding this thread a little late but I just searched because I'm curious about this subject. I have been off birth control for about 4 months and have been dieting to lose 20 pounds since January. Therefore, I'm starting the birth control for the first time since watching my weight and diet. I will say, I immediately gained weight after starting but it was NOT because the birth control alone added weight. It was because it caused me to have cravings and I GAVE IN. Luckily I realized it ASAP and can learn to overcome the cravings now. Your coworker saying that birth control caused a weight gain of 50 or more pounds is a form of denial. And unfortunately for her, she will either have to learn to overcome these cravings or live the rest of her life an an obese person. It's sad!