goin nuts!!!!

For the past 8 plus years I've been throwing back tha soda like its going out of style. I've always hated diet drinks so my drink of choice was Dr. Pepper. for the past 2 years or so ive got to where i drink way to much of it. on a normal day at work i drink 20 to 25 cans of Dr. Pepper a day, and on the days I'm off i can drink 20 to 30 if not more. This was something i refused to give up or even cut down on for a very long time. it was my vice so to speak. Soda and smoking was the only constant ive had in my life for a very long time, so i refused to budge on either. Until I started tryn to luz weight, the right way might i add. It wasn't until the past week or so that i finally put a number on how much i really consumed each day, and when i finally did i about died. thats a lot of wasted calories for one, and for two I was slowly killing myself with something so simple. i wont even get into how much money i was spending on soda, but i'll say it was A LOT! so I started tested different diet drinks tryn to find the one i could handle. mt dew was out really fast, it was just God awful, coke was even worse, pepsi tasted like *kitten* so that left me with diet dr. pepper. it wasnt so bad....lol ok it was, it was horrible. i mean i was going from 20 to 30 cans of the real stuff to this nasty diet. It was hard, but for the last 2weeks ive managed to do it, and kinda got use to it...until this morning. i woke up in a mood:grumble: ...a mood in which all i wanted was a real soda, cold, crisp real damn Dr. pepper. I'm not sure why, unless its just my mind tryn to over rule what my heart wants, i want to luz this weight and be healthy. but 2day...all i want is a damn real soda. lol... Maybe its just that ive done so good im freakn out a lil bit i dunno, all i know is this diet soda tastes like *kitten* right now. so...just to make sure i dont go completely nuts with this im gona have a glass of the real stuff with my meal 2day. maybe if i continue to allow myself at least once a day this mood will go away. well i hope it does, bc right now I'm pretty ****ty... well lets go see if this works! good luck everyone!


  • cassidystreasures
    Have you tried tea or coffee? I know its normally hot drinks, i was the mtn dew drinker almost a 12 pk a day, after going to the denist many times last year decided it was time to give it up as i know it was a big part of my weight gain. Your body could be telling you it needs caffine! A pop here and there isn't going to kill your diet. Sometimes you have to have the "it" thing just in moderation. Don't drink a 6 pk of dr pepper, try tea, coffee, or something with caffine that will help, but still have a dr pepper and lots and lots of water
  • csquaredsmom
    I didn't drink quite as much as you but I drank about 8 diet dr. peppers a day. One day I just said enough is enough! I took an iced tea pot into work, a bottle of aspirin so I could fight through the caffeine withdrawl and did it. I drink one every week or so now and feel MUCH better!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I feel that "everything in moderation" works better then depriving yourself of something you like. This way you can actually live with the change. Not a crash diet to lose a couple of pounds. If you want a Dr. pepper have a Dr. Pepper. But record it, if you have 2 record it. Be held accountable for the soda you are having. This isn't horrible. Just means less to eat. Good luck. I know how hard it is to stay away from it!!
  • annastacia10
    I used to be the very same way with high-tess all caffeine, all sugar Coca-Cola. My brother is the one who convinced me to try the diet coke. Once you get used to it, drinking the regular stuff leaves such a bad taste in your mouth. Keep on track, make that diet soda, whatever brand, seem more appealing to you than the regular stuff. Stick a can in the freezer and get really thirsty, put some ice in it, and enjoy the experience. You can wean yourself off the regular sodas, it takes time so don't be too hard on yourself. Once you really go diet, you will not go back. I was a 24 pack a day regular coke drinker and now can't even drink a full soda. The benefits to your body and wallet will make it all worthwhile. Sounds like you are on a really good path, so stay strong. And try to do more water. Sometimes we think our bodies are craving food or soda, and all it takes is water to realize your body just needs to rehydrate with what it really needs. Good luck! You can break the habit!!
  • jratcliff82
    aww thanks ya'll! reading all those made me all sappy and tear up a bit. My problem is i hate tea, coffee, and just about every other drink other than real soda. i have kinda got use to nestea powder that u mix with water, and diet isnt so bad, as long as its good and cold. once that stuff gets warm its worse than licking the floor lol. im not a fan of water unless theres sumn in it, like tha tea mix. i guess im just to picky and i need to get over that. its just hard and taking some time. thanks for the encouragement every1, it means a lot!
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    3000 to 4000 cal for a drink a day if you would just give that up you can loss tons of weight that's 7 pound a week. if i was you i would never touch a soft drink again this is a drug. Your chances of getting diabetes for all that sugar would be very high.
  • jratcliff82
    3000 to 4000 cal for a drink a day if you would just give that up you can loss tons of weight that's 7 pound a week. if i was you i would never touch a soft drink again this is a drug. Your chances of getting diabetes for all that sugar would be very high.

    im not sure why but this post made me a lil angry...maybe its the lack of caffeine i dunno, but as soon as i read it, it made me GRR! i think this diet is messing with my head now lol.
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    wow have never had a dr pepper and now i feel i might be missing out! but i dont think they sell here so i wont be able to get addicted:drinker:
    my vice is coca cola, i used to drink a 2l minimum every day and i found that after 2 weeks of going cold turkey i started treating myself once a week with a can and god i appreciated, i would drink it so slow to savour it and now i still use it as my treat but sometimes more than a week has gone passed and i havnt craved it!
    so what im saying is there is a light at the end of the tunnel:glasses: it may not feel like it now but the withdrawal will pass and as your body gets used to not being addicted the cravings will get less and less

    good luck
  • jratcliff82
    I did tha same 2day. I poured myself a small glass of Dr. Pepper and drank it very, very slowly. man it was good! Its odd really, i haven't really had a problem switching to diet until 2day. every time i take a drink i gag, but i think thats just bc i woke up in a bad mood.:grumble: i wanted a soda from the time i opened my eyes. 2morow will be better though...its a new day, a new attitude!:happy:
  • Boredboytn
    I'm glad you are doing this.. not only to lose weight but hell, you'll save a ton of money too!! LOL.. I laugh but I am serious as well. We didn't really talk much when I was giving up dipping skoal. I was..HORRIBLE there for a few days but really, I was spending $5.00 a day on something that I really didn't like..so I just stopped cold turkey.. I have never regretted it.

    No way am I saying to stop cold turkey on soda, I, like you, have a problem. I could not stop drinking soda. No, I have never drank as much soda as you but still lol.. I understand it will be in your life for a good long time.

    I'm proud of you for giving up most of it though..

    On the other hand, I have no earthly idea how you drink Dr. Pepper!!! YUK!