
yogalotusadg Posts: 27
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
well i'm at a point in my weight loss where i've lost about 50 lbs (possibly a little less as i feel i gained a little this week) and I'm in a rut. I can't seem to keep myself motivated. I guess because I have lost weight & aside from my pants being a little looser (they were tight before so we're deffinitly making progress) & my face being a little thinner I don't see any results. My goal for the first 50 lbs was getting a new outfit, but when I went to the store I was crushed to find that while my current size is a little loose, a smaller size is still too tight. I proud of the weight that I lost, but I've been telling myself this whole time that it's alright if I don't see results now, at 50lbs I'll see something & it'll give me even more motivation. But not seeing much of anything has done the exact opposite. I know that no one wants to read pitty nonsense as everyone has struggles (usually more than one!) in their weight loss! I know I'm not alone in this & everyone has dissapointments. But I've really lost my motivation on this one & can't even manage to stay anywhere near my calorie goal. I really want to lose weight but I started with 160lbs to lose & I'm crushed that now wityh 112 to lose I have no results. As vain as is sounds I'm anxiously awaiting even one person to see a change in me.

I apologize if anyone was brought down by this post, I know that everyone is here for support not nonsense like this. I just really needed to vent in hopes it will help me get over this so I can move on (& hopefully continue with my weight loss).


  • Don't lose motivation! Determination is what got you to lose 50 lbs, and you need to tell yourself that the change WILL happen. It's hard not seeing the results you expect, but the results WILL appear. Disappointed often leads to binge eating which can pack the weight right back on. Don't be bummed that the size smaller didn't fit, use it as motivation. MAKE THAT SMALLER SIZE FIT. I try on the same pair of jeans that are too small for me everyday. I tell myself that they WILL fit. It makes all the difference in the world. You can do this. 50 lbs is alot of weight lost, and even if the results are apparent, they will be in time. You on are your way to becoming a healthier and HAPPIER person. Don't give up!
  • You need a hug! And it's not nonsense.....your honest feelings aren't nonsense. I don't know if there's anything I can say that will help, but just know there's someone out here who is listening. You are doing amazing! Keep up the good work! You're seeing progress and you admitted it yourself! You CAN do this! Just keep it up, okay?
  • Actually hun we are here for JUST THAT! To listen(and support) through the bad times and congratulate in the good times! Hang in there! Just think if you have come this far you are doing GREAT!
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    The journey is about you - not others! Don't wait for others to see a difference in you! You already see a difference in yourself!

    I'm sure that those clothes, although the same size, look much nicer on you now and aren't anywhere near as uncomfortable as they once were. No more straining at the seams! All the buttons being done up (not the top couple and the bottom couple been left undone). Choose a new outfit because you like it and it looks nice on you - instead of one that you buy because it fits! By the way.....if the size is getting loose - the next size down won't be too far off! Keep going, 50lbs is an awesome effort! If the size isn't going down now - imagine how fast it will go down later as you get closer to your ultimate goal!!!!!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I don't want to pretend that can fully understand your situation. I am sorry for your frustration, but from the outside looking in, I think it is amazing that you lost 50 pounds. That is a great accomplishment, just that. The outfit was a "prize" for the accomplishment, the hard part, was working the plan and losing the weight. In hindsight, this might not seem like such a big deal, but think about when you started. I imagine, if you were like me, when you started thinking about what you wanted to lose, it seemed like such a hard task and such a long journey.

    My wife would tell you that I am helpless on all things related to women's clothes so I can't offer much on that front. I would just like to encourage you to be proud of your accomplishment and to recognize the strength and persistance that was inside of you to get it done.

  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    I have lost almost 40 lbs. in all - some before MFP and some after. Sometimes, the people you see most won't notice and sometimes at random I see people, and their jaw drops! I don't feel like my clothing size has gone down much, but my clothes are fitting differently. I was totally bummed by this, but today I tried on a size 13 dress from the JUNIOR section (10 months ago, I had to buy pants in the plus section) and I had to go back and get an 11........so, stick to it! I too, feel like nothing, nothing, nothing is happening and then something does. Also, I have had a bit of a rough time the past 6 months and as much as I hate to admit it, exercise helps! It helped my physical appearance as well as my MENTAL state of mind! :) ~ confidence, sad spells, and I feel much more emotionally stable. Good Luck with everything and CONGRATULATIONS! What a HUGE accomplishment. One last thing, as I was losing, I did not want to buy new clothes until I was done, so I continued to wear most of what I had. The other day, I had to run by my job in spandex b/c I had been running and the ladies I work with were amazed, so make sure you are wearing clothes that fit your new figure.
  • thanks for the support everyone it means a lot, truly appreciated.<3
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    dont feel bad, thats what this site is for! everyone has slumps and we are here to support each other through the ups and downs:ohwell:
    there are some people who lose a kg and everyone notices and then there are those like yourself that it hasnt shown so much yet! dont give up, you might be right on the cusp of losing a whole lot more and reshaping your body!
    i know with me that the first lot of weightloss is generally water so our bodies dont look that much different, just a little less bloated maybe! then comes the exciting part of when the excercise and healthy eating start reshaping your body and everybody starts noticing:happy:
    can i ask are you doing any weights as part of your excercise regime? i have always found for me that i start seeing results alot faster when i am doing some kind of resistance//weight training, also are you taking measurements? i do mine weekly and i love seeing the cms coming down! my weight on the scales hardly ever moves so i have accepted that its going to be all about toning for me!
    l i hope that as the day goes on you feel a bit better
  • I havent been doing much...i told myself i would start working out when i hit a standstill as a way to pump it up & i havent hit one yet. I occasionally will pop in a zumba dvd & i got Insanity so I want to work my way up a little & then start that but i average about 1-2 workouts a week, nothing too hard. i do want to start working on toning now tho. as i've said i havent really seen results so i dont have any loose/excess skin but i want to start toning now to help prevent/minimize that in the future.
  • I took a 'break' at Christmas from my regime....I'd lost about 45 pounds. i'm really struggling to get back on track. 2 years ago I did the same thing....lost 60 pounds only to gain every bit of it back. You don't want to be in that boat. The time to get back on track and continue on your journey. One day at a time. Once you get a few good days under your belt it will be easier to get back to doing what you were before being so bummed! You are doing AWESOME!!!!! Every pound (not size) makes your quality of life so much better!
  • Keep believing in yourself - regardless of what other people see or don't see. You are doing it for you so you can enjoy your life.
    Have you been measuring yourself too? Sometimes the body may not be loosing weight on the scale but it's is with the inches.
    And trust me your not the only one that has Slumps,( as jojoraeburn puts it ), Lots of folks on here have slumps, but that's when you remember - it's my life - it's my body I am going to get back up and keep on keeping on....:happy:
  • Congrates on your amazing wieghtloss.
    I really hope you get your motivation back because quiting garauntees no results to bad results, but sticking to it the results will come.

    I was thinking maybe you want to change your ticker to pounds lost instead of pounds to lose, seeing what you have already accomplished will be much more of a motivator then what you have left to lose.

    It is going to happen and that new outfit will be bought.
  • mbeth4
    mbeth4 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 50 pounds also and I know it is no small feat! Don't let your idea of where you WANT to be take away from appreciating how hard you worked to get where you are now! I have been really bummed this past month because I hit a plateau, too! I go to the gym 6 days a week and eat a balanced diet but I am not noticing much of a change this month. I let it bother me so much that I think maybe the stress was what was preventing me from losing as much as I feel I should. Don't strive for perfection, just strive for progress. There is nothing wrong with feeling the way you feel! I totally understand where you are coming from and I am struggling right there with you! Just keep your eye on your goal and don't forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way!
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