how do i ensure i get rid of muffin top?

pookier Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm looking to lose less than 20lbs, all mainly around my middle which in the last couple of years has expanded - 2 c-sections and a lot of bad eating have everything to do with it. The rest of me is relatively ok but could do with a few inches loss here and there... how do i ensure i don't end up with buns of steel and a perfect upper body and thighs but still not having lost the muffin top? i understand that ab workouts build the muscle beneath the fat, how do i lose that fat around my middle specifically? I feel like all the exercise i do is aimed at my legs and arms! been doing jillian's 30 day shred.


  • your core,... it's all about eating habits..... cut down on the FAT calories, lots of core work, and cardio

    Lower abs are so hard to work too, for us women it takes a LOT of hard work..... specially after having babies and c-sections. You can YouTube Tony Horton's (Mr. PX90, himself) and search for his 8 min abs. It's great work out to start w/for those lower and upper abs, it's tough too, when you first start but it's only 8 minutes.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    You can't target fat loss in one particular place. Cardio cardio cardio!!! 30 Day Shred is pretty good cardio. But really any type of cardio is good. As long as you are getting your heart rate up and keeping it in that zone for fat burning it should work.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    My 'muffin top' is my worst area, thats what i want to tone the most and i find running is a great cardio workout for that followed by 8 minute abs. I try and run at a slower pace but for a longer distance....Have you even seen a long distance runner with a muffin top? Well i havnt and i think thats the key, endurance running. With this comes the healthy eating, low GI foods are good if your going to do long runs as they release energy slower so things like porridge and oatcakes are great. When your eating low GI foods your natrually eating healthier and you want to fuel your body with healthy filling thigns for the run so its a win win in my eyes!

    Good luck!
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