Happy Thursday, everyone! What's up with you today?

IndyRick Posts: 172
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Happy Thursday, everyone! It's Thursday. Today, I'll do my exercise, eat right, and smile a lot. I'm also going to go visit a friend in the hospital, review my set from last night, and prepare for a music gig tonight.

Oh, and I'll be shoveling snow at some point. It's beautiful here! They say we've got 4 to 6 inches coming, but I'm not sure if that's in REAL inches or man inches. ;)


  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Good morning!

    I love your cheerful attitude! It's beautiful here too. Believe it or not, I love to shovel snow...I actually wish there was more of it!

    Have a really great Thursday!


    P.S. Indiana is my home state...How much snow did ya get?
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    We've got a couple of inches so far, but it's supposed to snow pretty much all day. What part of Indiana? I actually was born in East Tennessee, but moved here so young I don't really remember living there. I was raised just outside of Muncie.
  • Happy Thursday, everyone! It's Thursday. Today, I'll do my exercise, eat right, and smile a lot. I'm also going to go visit a friend in the hospital, review my set from last night, and prepare for a music gig tonight.

    Oh, and I'll be shoveling snow at some point. It's beautiful here! They say we've got 4 to 6 inches coming, but I'm not sure if that's in REAL inches or man inches. ;)

    :laugh: @ man inches!

    Happy Thursday to you too :bigsmile:

    Today, I have to work out (circuit training and cardio), laundry as always... and have more coffee! :tongue:
  • activemom
    activemom Posts: 18 Member
    thanks for the great motivation. i was just sitting here contemplating my day as well. kids to bus, dog for walk, me to gym (hour spin class), kid to orthodontist, usual afternoon taxi service and can't wait to sit and watch grey's anatomy tonight.

    thinking of plans for food for today and how many calories i can burn at the gym! we're supposed to get some snow later as well. gotta love shoveling calories burned!

    have a great day!
  • Happy Thursday to All !!!!
    Today will be a Great Day !!! my Lil girl is in her 1st play "Jack and the Beanstalk" she plays the giants wife ... I can't wait to see it ... I hear from her teacher she is Awsome ....
    and when I come home I will workout on Wii fit i want to get "just dance" so we will see bout that later on today .....
    and hopefully i stay on track today with my food ...
    Well enjoy your day everyone !!!!
    Hugs to all
  • Good Morning and Happy Thursday to you as well!!! I have my first exercise session completed already today. Did 4.5 miles on the treadmill for 60 minutes at the pace of 4.5. Finished that with 1o minutes of stretching. After work I'll do the 30 day shredd. Being mid 50's fighting the weight loss battle is one I want to win!!!

    Have a Blessed Day! Love your attitude:-)
  • SongofJoy57
    SongofJoy57 Posts: 14 Member
    Have a Great Day! I have a bone density test this morning, then go into work at 12:15, and work until 8 tonight. I have not been doing too good on my food or exercise for the past few days. . . so it is a new day again . . . no snow here . . . 27 degrees, but may get freezing rain tonight . . . just hope I am back up the mountain by then. Enjoy your snow, and be careful shoveling! Good luck with your gig!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    SSDD here :(

    exercise and work
  • Happy Thursday to you too. I'm from Nottingham UK, we have bright gorgeous sunshine today, its lurvly! I'v been to water aerobics this morning and spending the afternoon spending time with my family, my perfect day off.

    Hope you all are having a great day too!
  • Good morning! Today I will also eat right and exercise. I also have class tonight but am unsure if it will be canceled or not. I luckily don't have to shovel the snow but I'm right there bearing the storm with you. I too am in Indiana and we've got 3 to 5 expected.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I'm a Wabash girl. Do you know where it is? I've spent lots of time in Muncie...Go Ball State!

    In my profile pic here (I'm the one in the white Tshirt and this is my sister with me, taken last fall.) we are in Wabash at a park.
  • Up earlier than I wanted to be. Loving the control that I have over my weight loss goal with the help of MFP. Looking forward to watching Bones tonight with the family.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    good morning! I plan on having a good lunch, and a free Zumba class tonight after work in our fitness center. :-)

    I'm still sore from my last few days of workouts, so I think Zumba will be mostly it for me today. I haven't taken a class for Zumba in about 20 months, so I'm sure I'll be tired afterward.

    We are going to miss most of the snow in Detroit, looks like it is going to stay south.
  • Good afternoon from Norway!

    I totally hear you. Snow and winter is beautiful. I have not minded the shoveling either, and the side effects it brings:) Skiing is also fun (cross country is my favorite).

    So glad to have found this place, I love how convenient it is.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    Today is semi exciting! I have a PDS (professional development seminar) to learn about the semester before I start student teaching on monday. The only down part is I won't have much time to work out today since its an 9 hour event with almost an hour drive time both ways :(
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Good Morning and I love love love the snow!!! I got up extra early just to go for a walk in it before work :smile: My desk looks out a window and I could stare outside all day long at the snow falling down. I hope we get the 6 inces they say we will but you know Indiana weather...:laugh:

    Have a great day...where is your gig tonight?

  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Mary, I'm at The Golden Ace on the East Side. :)
  • Good Morning and Happy Thursday from Washington! Today it might not rain, imagine that! I don't mind the rain much if I did I'd move! Today's going to be a good day, despite the headache and shakes I woke up with. I still got my 30 min elliptical workout in before work, got my healthy lunch and snacks ready, and I have a 75 min Zumba class tonight that I'm looking forward too! Thanks for the Topic post, I enjoyed reading everyone's post and it help start my work day off with a smile. =o)
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