Are you happy?

OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Thursday mornin' and I'm DAY 44 of P90 (Power90) not P90X, the one before it...

I'm excited about my results so far...But, what keeps you pushin' play on that DVD or headin' to the gym?

For myself its the fear of gainin' my 9lbs that I lost. I still feel that I'm dreamin' at times still...

It's about Dedication, Willpower, a good frame of mind, Support of my Husband, and huge support from the people here on MFP...

I think I have come to terms within' myself to WANT this so badly...not just the body part. But to embrace a new lifestyle..some people may say I have become obsessed, which is fine - cause I do believe you need to be obsessed in someway.

My Husband is slender as a rake...he can eat whatever he pleases. But mind you he's 8 years younger than me, so he's still at the high metabolism stage. lol. I love him for that, man he's such a cutie...but my cutie ;) lol

Don't get me wrong - I do have my DAYS where I don't want to workout, I don't want to eat my strict diet...than that voice comes into my head, my accountability to people on MFP and my followers on FB, my beachbody coach...I would let them down and I don't want to be that person...!

DAY 44 of my journey of my new lifestyle and I'm absolutely lovin' it...! I love myself more than I did last year, or even 10 years ago...It's hardwork and its not easy!

What makes you happy? to keep goin'?

thanks for readin'...Have a great Thursday, Keep smilin' and your head up :) xo


  • payton58
    payton58 Posts: 19 Member
    You go girl!:bigsmile:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    What keeps me going? A few things. More than anythig else, knowing that I am the one who controls my healthand my body- it is not a factor outside my control, and if I give up eating well and exercising, I'll lose the progress I've made.

    Also all the lovely clothes hanging in my closet that I can't wear!

    I want to be in the best shape of my life this year and it might take the whole year to get there, but that is OK. Also there may be times when I slip and eat a chocolate bar, or drink a beer, but I am only human and if I was perfect I'd be boring. LOL
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Payton58: Haha thank you :smile:

    Sweetsarahj: Things do take time - which I need to keep remindin' myself each day..xo :wink:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I'm just getting started. The thing right now that keeps me going, is; I am really trying to take advantage of the 1st 30 days to ingrain the habit of working out. I am trying really hard not to focus on the scale but focus on how I feel and on being the healthiest I can be. I have never had an easy time losing weight. I know the only way it is going to happen is if I work out and I need to get that habit into me. I am enjoying it very much so far and I hope that the longer I go the easier it will be to not give up.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Yep, it is important to find something you enjoy doing, so it won't seem like as much of a chore. I have to admit, I step on the scale almost every day, but if I go up and down a pound or so I don't let it bother me.

    For working out, I enjoy lifting weights because I can easily see the achievements- being able to lift heavier weights, or do more reps with ease. Also, being a petite woman (only 5 feet tall) I honestly get a kick out of "playing with the big boys" in the weight room! I'm sure I have surprised more than a few muscle-heads by reaching for heavy weights rather than 3-lb dumbells. :)

    Although I should add a disclaimer that everybody who decides to lift weights should have some training first, otherwise you could hurt yourself, which I have done in the past- not fun and usually means I have to take some time off to recover.

    That being said, my latest goal is to bench press half my weight- I'm almost there, should hit that milestone next week!
  • rozarotti
    rozarotti Posts: 139
    My motivation comes from the feeling I get everytime I see the weight loss on the scale. It is such a great "high" that I feel, it makes me more motivated the next day to keep going. My daughter is another motivater. She is 11 and I have never really taught her "how to eat healthy". We have always been junk food junkies. Recently her PE teacher sent home a BMI report and I had to sign it saying she was catergorized as obese. It broke my heart. So as a family we are trying to get healthier!

    Good luck to everyone with your goals.

    Misty :)
  • In August of 2010 I weighed 140lbs (give or take a few) and I was self confident and proud of myself, I felt great in my clothes and although I still had work to do, I was in a very HAPPY place....
    Since then I have gained back 18 lbs (then lost 3lbs woohoo) and I ended up very down on myself. I don't even like leaving the house anymore because not so long ago I was closer than ever to my goal weight...

    That's what keeps me going. Knowing what 140lbs feels like and wanting to be there again soo very badly.... I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin once again....
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