220-ish pounds

Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
Hello! :flowerforyou: Just wanted to pose a question to some of you. Specifically females around my age (26) that weigh around 220 pounds. Specific enough? :wink: :laugh:

I was just wondering what you have your calorie goal set at, how you use your exercise calories and if you are consistently losing weight. Mostly just curious what others with my stats are doing and how it's working for them.

Gracias in advance for any replies!! :smile:


  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I am not 26 but am 216lbs right now. I have been losing weight every week. Some weeks better than others. Last week I just squeaked by with a 1 lb weight loss. This week so far I have lost almost 5 pounds. My calorie goal is 1400. I usually end up actually eating about 1200-1300 lately.
  • aimes198
    I am 31 and currently at 215. I haven't been at this very long (just a few weeks). My calorie goal is set at 1610 which is for one pound a week. I thought the 2 pound a week goal (about 1200) wasn't doable for me quite yet. Just a little too strict. Although I do try to keep my calories around 1400 a day, but do not stress too much if I go over 1400 (especially on the weekend). On the days I exercise (usually 3x a week), I do not eat the "extra calories." This has been working for me so far. At first I wasn't losing weight, but last week I lost 3 pounds. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 30 and weighing in now at 213. My calorie goal is 1300 and I try to burn 200 to 400 calories daily through exercise (I do the Wii Fit, Just Dance 2, and I have a stationary bike, I also use some of the DVD's from time to time). I don't eat all of my exercise calories, but I try to stay between 1200 and 1400. The biggest factor for me is tracking sodium. I have really great weeks when I stay within my recommended sodium and I don't lose very much if I go over my sodium a few days. I also make it a point to drink all of my water and then some. I usually drink about 10 cups/day.
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong thread.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Hi there! I'm 29, 5'6" and currently 214lbs. My profile pic, though, is me at 221, I believe.

    I had my calories set at losing 2lbs./wk; approx. 1240 calories/day. I did well for the first two months then started to get REALLY, REALLY hungry keeping it at that. I up'ed my calories since (now at 1820 or so); though I hardly ever go over nowadays (except for a few days last week while I was on vacation). I guess it's more mind over matter for me - I just started to feel so deprived and restricted at 1200-1300 calories. My weight loss has slowed just a bit but the scale is STILL moving! After the first full week at 1800 calories, I've lost 1 lb. Not sure if my resting metabolic rate has increased so I'm burning more calories than I was when I first started - or if I'm just now more active, thus burning more and now require a little more food? This whole weight loss thing has been somewhat trial and error (for me, personally...that is, what works for me). I'm realizing that though there is some fundamental principles that most tend to follow, this experience truly can be quite different from one person to the next.

    *I'm not any authorative source on diet and nutrition by no means; I have a really close friend who is a certified personal trainer who told me the stuff about my RMR... and to up my calories a bit. It worked for me but again, everyone's different.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Forgot to add, my highest weight was 256lbs. in Nov. 2010. I started MFP at 238lbs. on Jan. 6, 2011. So, overall, I've been averaging about 6-8 lbs./month. I try to eat at least half (if not all) of my exercise calories and I only exercise 2-4 times a week. I've never been one to exercise (before taking my weight loss seriously) so I didn't even want to fool myself to think I'd keep up w/ a 6 days a week workout regimen. I wanted to start settling into habits that I know I could maintain - also, I'm simultaneously working at maintaining my weight WHILE I lose (if there is such thing). Other than intensity and duration of my workout, I'm still pretty consistent at 2-4 (more like 2-3 here recently) times a week, that's it.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I'm male but let me offer a few thoughts. 1200 calories is quite doable if you eat raw veggies and prepare your own meals. A sandwich out can cost you big time. Not just in calories but in sodium.

    I did some math once and found that if you eat only 96 calories over your daily goal you will gain 10 lbs a year or 100 lbs. in 10 years. That's all it takes. So exercising 300 to 400 calories a day is huge.

    While I am allowed 2200 calories per day at my current weight of 288 I often eat much less and find myself still satisfied. I ate only 899 calories the day before yesterday and went to bed happy.

    One lb. a week is a worthy goal. The real important thing is learning and staying with it. If you exercise you are building muscle and if you are building muscle you are creating a better calorie burning machine.

    I wish you much success!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm 29 and was 220lbs when I started. I have no idea what I weigh now, I weighed myself about a week after I started and had lost 5lbs and haven't weighed myself in the last 2 months. But pants I could hardly button a couple of months ago fit great or are even a little loose, so I know I'm losing. My goal is set at 1200 calories a day and I have pretty consistently stayed close to that, so I think it is working pretty well :)
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm a little older (33), but I'm currently at 222lbs. At first I selected 2 lbs a week, but 1230 cals seemed a bit intense to start out, so I switched it to 1 lb. I get a bit over 1700 cals. I usually eat most of them and I do try to eat my exercise cals. I've lost 12 lbs in about 6 weeks. I figure a lot of that was water weight and pretty soon it'll go down to 1 lb a week.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my starting weight was 231. I started at 1800 calories 50g of fat and 220g of carbs. These numbers were set up for me by my nutritionist to lose 1lb a week. She advised me NOT to eat my calories back. I assume if she wanted me to be eating back my calories she would have set my goals lower.

    Now that I'm about 20lbs down she reset my calories to 1650, 46g of fat, and 206g carbs

    At first I had trouble staying with in 1800 then it was comfortable, then when I went down to 1650 I had trouble again - but now that I'm doing fine with it! Everything in moderation :)