30 Day Shred/Yoga hybrid starts TODAY!



  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Day 5 DONE!
    Got in my shred workout before leaving for work this morning. Am really loving the fact that the workouts are short enough to fit in just about anytime.

    Am going to go to my power yoga class this afternoon after work, but that's just a bonus :D

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    hope everyone is keeping up with the shred and the yoga.

    i'm taking it easy today with just a 30 min yoga session focussing on hip openers... i spend most of my day sitting at a desk so my hips are always super tight!

    back to the shred tomorrow. i'm hoping that giving my arms and shoulders a rest today will pay off when i press play tomorrow morning. :D
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hello everyone! I've kept up on the Shred every day. Four more days of Level 3 to go, then I'll be doing the Shred about 3 times a week while on the other days I'll be doing more yoga, running and/or other workouts. Shredded this morning, then had a short run and 30 minutes of power vinyasa yoga this evening, before dinner. I really feel like a relaxing soak in the tub would be wonderful right about now. Getting ready to kick back and watch American Idol with my fiance tonight. Have a great evening, everyone! :)
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138

    i just did level 1 of the shred, 6 more days before i graduate to level 2.
    have been doing it every other day, but might speed it up depending on what other workouts i am doing. doubling up on power yoga and 30DS can be tough ;)
    (especially if your yoga teacher is as keen to challenge her students as mine is... we get to try headstand and tripod every class, which is pretty cool)

    hope everyone else is enjoying the shredding and bending!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    hope everyone is keeping up with the yoga and the shred!

    i just got out of a pretty intense power yoga class... i started sweating profusely after the first 10mins (and it wasn't a heated class!). Too many chattarungas and planks to count. wow!

    i'll be shredding tomorrow before work :D