Grrrrr....what the heck! HELP!!



  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    Thanks for the tips and support! I find it hard to consume all my calories, I try to be so good all day and then by 8pm, I have like 60 left over! I will make a better effort to eat more of my excercise calories back. Also, I hate water, so I guess I should drink more of that. I feel bloated and puffy alot, could this be caused by water retention since I have begun some weight training? Maybe this is why I can't seem to lose any. Thanks again!

    Puffy and bloated? How's your sodium intake? If you're not drinking enough water and your sodium intake's high that could have a lot to do with it too. I can gain 6 pounds over night if I go crazy with the salt and don't counter it with water.

    Eeek! I wasn't tracking my sodium and when I go back this past week, it has been around 2200-2500 mark! Its amazing how I can be smart with some things, but this whole fitness/health stuff boggles my mind! So apparently I am eating too much sodium and drinking not enough water. Hopefully this will take care of some of the issues. Thanks!!