So many little results

I am really frustrated with this process. I have a LONG way to go and just beginning. I have made SO many changes and am just not seeing the results that I expected to see. My food choices still have to get better but I have cut out sweets (rare SMALL treat) I completely cut out soda (I drank up to 8 per day)....I have cut my caloric intake to 1200-1500 cals and am just not seeing results. I am not a water drinker so I am using Crystal Light but am drinking at least 8-10 glasses per day (will occasional iced tea but I can count on one hand how many of those I've had since 1/3/11)
I am moving, playing active games and doing aerobic things...dancing, walking housework. I am just stuck..I was able to record a 5lb loss but this week sadly most of that has returned....I'm confused and frustrated. So many changes I should be seeing things changing with my body as well....while I am not eating EVERYTHING healthy, the fact that I have cut so many bad things and greatly reduced overall intake I feel like I should be seeing results.
I know I have to keep working to make more changes but shouldn't the one's I've already made be showing?


  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    Are you watching your sodium intake in your food diary? Water retention will cause you to see a slower loss. Also, have you measured yourself to monitor inches lost? Sometimes you will lose inches, but not weight. Are your clothes fitting any looser? That's a big motivator for me. :happy:

    I never measured myself from the beginning so I have no idea how many inches I've lost (though I'm sure it's obscene) but I make sure I stay under the recommended 2500mg of sodium a day. And I always drink at least 8 cups of water a day...yesterday I did 12 :smile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It takes time for your body to adjust. Right now it's in shock but the wonderful things about our bodies is they adjust to new things. Just keep working at it. And remember - a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. Don't worry about the numbers and focus on the way you feel. It took a long time to put the weight on and it will take longer to get it off but that is the best way to do it.

    this is a post from another site that someone put on her yesterday.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Hang in there it just takes time and I know how it feels. I lost 8 pounds right off the bat and then gained it all back and could not get the scale to move!!!
    Just stick with it and you can make it happened!!! You are on your way!
    I figure it took me 5 years to gain this weight it will take some time to get it off...Although I wish I could wake up tomorrow and be the way I want lol
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Are you at the calorie level recommended by MFP? 1200-1500 seems low for you.
  • safetyscott
    safetyscott Posts: 66 Member
    Hang in there Girlie !! will come...your metabolism may have been so messed up that it will take a bit more time....keep doing what you are doing.....remember girld dont lose as fast as men, but when they do lose...the change is noticable. I know you dont like need to..... our livers are constantly cleaning the toxins in our system...but if they dont have toxins to occupy them.....they burn fat....artificial sweeteners are a toxin... you are far better off letting yourself have the real thing once and a while then using a sweetener.

    Seriously tho...hang in WILL come.

    ~ SS ~
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I just bosted a blog about something similar to this. It is so frustrating that all you do is work and nothing seems to be working! I've been doing this for a little while and I too have only seen a 5 pound loss and some of that is coming back. But weight fluctuates so much day by day. So I decided to not check the scale for at least two more weeks. Just see what happens..... Ask yourself "how do I feel?" Do you feel good about what you are doing? Do you feel better about yourself now that you are working out and eating right? Don't let the scale determine your worth. People don't look at you see a number (up or down) they see you. And if you are happy with yourself then people will see that. And that is what matters. Not the number on that scale!!
  • frene2000
    frene2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep trying...Don't give up!
    Women's bodies have lots of hormonal changes including water weight that could attribute to the 5 pounds seemingly disappearing overnight.
    In addition, you should weigh yourself weekly not daily so that you don't get discouraged.
    Stick with it and you will see results and you will feel better.:smile:
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I feel your pain!!!! Heck, I'm in a rut at the moment too... One thing I did when I first started this most recent journey last summer was... I'd try adjusting one thing for a week or two, and then would see if I noticed any results. If nothing really seemed to be happening, I'd adjust something else. For instance, I looked at my sodium totals... If that was a bit high, I'd adjust that to see if it worked. If not, I'd look at my sugars and adjust that (but keeping the sodium adjusted)... That helped, but not enough. So I decided to up my water intake (from 6-8 glasses/day to 12-15 glasses/day). That did wonders... Then I would take a look at seriously how many calories I was burning each day. I would switch up workout DVD's to find something that I liked AND that worked for ME.

    Sometimes it's a matter of finding YOUR body trigger.
  • james3302
    james3302 Posts: 119
    I agree that you need to mesure yourself. Also with all these changes it could take your body a little while to get used to them. Your body it trying to stay at your current weight and you are trying to lose. Give it some more time.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    You just started on 1/4/11 right? It is going to take time! Patience is key as a lot of folks here on MFP can attest to. You weight is going to go up, then down, then up, then down. Over time, if you stick with it, your weight will go down. You are going to have good days, then bad ones. Again : Patience!

    You stay with it & you WILL get there! :flowerforyou:
  • dmmsquared
    You migt want to start tracking your sodium intake. That can make you retain water. I couldn't believe how much sodium I was actually eating when I turned on sodium in my food log (go to Home, Settings, Diary Settings and add Sodium as one of your nutrients tracked). The weeks that I have been good at keeping my sodium down, I have lost more weight.

    Just an FYI... I was looking at the Applebees menu yesterday. One of their new Weight Watchers menu items - Chipotle Lime Chicken - has 500 calories and 12 grams of fat. That's great, right? Well, it also has 5,250 mg of sodium. That's more than double what you are supposed to have in an entire day!!!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Hang in there... many things can slow the process down. For me, and many others sodium was the culprit. RDA right now is 2,500 mg, but the government is working on changing that to 1,500 mg. For me, when I try to keep it between 1,500 and 1,800 I feel my best and see results. Watch out for soups, cheese and a few other foods that are high in sodium. Also, because I am older, I exercise so much more than most. When I only exercised 60 minutes I wasn't seeing the results I wanted. So I upped that to around 2 hours spread throughout the day. I've lost 45 pounds so far. Good luck. There are lots of people in here to cheer you on. Don't deprive yourself of things you love, just exercise moderation when choosing your foods and adjust your calories so you're still logging in around your calorie goal.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I will have to agree, it takes patience. I have been up and down the scale but I feel great! I have a hard time not weighing myself every day because I want quick results but that's not reality. It took us awhile to gain this weight and it will take us some time to get rid of it. You're doing amazing so far.
  • barberella
    I know about frustration. Since I joined on here about 2 weeks ago, I will absolutely NOT check the scale. I had my boyfriend hide it. So, I honestly don't know if I had any changes in my weight. I don't want to know either because I think it's too soon. So, I recommend to tweak your diet (forget the Crystal Light and drink the water because the artificial sweetener will slow your weight loss. It's a toxin like SS said) little by little, and I think you will see the changes. But when you feel your clothes loosen up, then check the scale. Otherwise, it just may cause you to get more frustrated, and that can be detrimental. I know it is for me, and that's why I'm not ready to check the evil scale. I will when I feel my clothes getting looser. At least, that's what I hope is going to happen!
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the support and the ideas! I do think that sodium may be a big problem for me. Going back through my diary I am WAY over on sodium even when I'm under on fats and sugars so I'll have to work to make a big change there! NOT paying attention to these things is what got me where I am and I have learned so much in the last couple of weeks! I did have Japanese over the weekend and of course added soy sauce....then had leftovers from that so my sodium was through the roof. I will try to drink more water instead of crystal light...maybe since I've been away from coke for a couple of weeks it'll be easier to tolerate.
    Thanks again!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Sodium could definitely bea problem. Also, have you had a physical lately? If you haven't, it's worth getting one. You could have a thyroid issue or an insulin restistant. I have PCOS, which affects my period and also makes me insulin resistant. The doctor gave me metformin, which is actually a diabetic drug, but it helps regulate menstruation and helps with insulin resistance. I notice that when I take it regularly, my weight loss is faster. If I forget to refill, I stall some.

    Also, try a probioitic and cinnamon supplements.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    You migt want to start tracking your sodium intake. That can make you retain water. I couldn't believe how much sodium I was actually eating when I turned on sodium in my food log (go to Home, Settings, Diary Settings and add Sodium as one of your nutrients tracked). The weeks that I have been good at keeping my sodium down, I have lost more weight.

    Just an FYI... I was looking at the Applebees menu yesterday. One of their new Weight Watchers menu items - Chipotle Lime Chicken - has 500 calories and 12 grams of fat. That's great, right? Well, it also has 5,250 mg of sodium. That's more than double what you are supposed to have in an entire day!!!

    This is one of the things I intend to do for myself, particularly the day before my weekly weigh-in. It's also been posted in the forums that drinking more water helps flush out all the sodium. So drink water to lose water weight!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Are you at the calorie level recommended by MFP? 1200-1500 seems low for you.

    I agree with this 100% I know eating more goes against what you hear about weight loss, but in order to lose you need to feed that body!! Trust what MFP is telling you to do, a slow and steady loss is the most healthy. Your body starts holding onto fat if it stops getting the energy it needs to run.
  • cragmor
    cragmor Posts: 24 Member
    What others have said, you may be too low on calories. Another suggestion may be to eat for your goal weight, and not eat to lose weight. Figure approx. 10 calories per pound * your goal weight, and start there. A possible upside to this would be that once you hit your goal, you do not have any adjustments to make. Well, not big ones. You might have to tweak your calories etc a little to get to your goal.