Cheesecake Factory, Anyone?



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I love that cheesecake has a whole factory! I am happy that I do not live within driving distance to said factory!

    Happy Birthday and please eat some cheesecake for me!
  • chelebe
    chelebe Posts: 13 Member
    It your Birthday!!!!!!! Just eat the cheesecake do not have dinner........ Why do you need both? If you eat both you will feel stuffed and crappy.
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!!!

    It's your birthday so enjoy yourself you have a couple of different options:
    1. Split a meal and cheesecake with your hubbie like everyone else has said
    2. Have a low calorie intake all day split an appetizer and cheesecake with hubbie
    3. If you still don't feel comfortable you can burn 1000-1300 calories on the elliptical in an hour to account for the delicious cheesecake, prior to your birthday meal!!
    4. Eat at home and go to the "factory" for cheesecake only

    At the end of the day you want to be able to enjoy your cheesecake, so whatever makes you feel comfortable go for it. We have to remember to not be so rigid that we become robots or overly obsessed with counting calories.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree I would not, should not, could not share a cheesecake with my husband because it's MINE LOL! Seriously, I would exercise and eat half of everything. Before the food comes out I will ask for half to be put in a box for me. You are sharing with your husband so you will only eat half the cheesecake....
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Justify that it's your birthday and eat what you want. If you've been working hard all this t ime and tend to watch what you eat on a regular basis, one day is not going to hurt you. I have the same philosophy as it relates to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's one day out of the year. If you're stringent on most other days, enjoy your birthday free of calorie counting and worries about fat.

  • choley222
    First Congratulations on an amazing job so far! I am with everybody else it's one day your day so go and enjoy yourself. I do it twice a year my birthday and our anniversary because they are about 6 months apart and it has never hurt me. I hope you have a wonderul guilty free birthday because you deserve it :)
  • kievfrisco
    kievfrisco Posts: 18 Member
    Hi mhanson18, the restaurant has actual menu with calories listed, which you really don't wanna see. Also, they have 1 diet item in the menu (grilled chicken which is 500 cal). The cakes are more the 1000 cal per slise. I was there for my bday a week a go. I had half on my dinner (grilled fish and doggie back home) and no desert. Congrats for your weight lost and Happy Bday to you. Frisco.:drinker:
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Wow -- that's a challenge. I looked at a Cheesecake Factory menu once when I was in a location where the law required they place the calorie content on the menu and I almost fell out of my chair. I don't know of a restaurant that can pack more calories into a meal than this place. That said, it's delicious so your day out will probably amount to a non-counting "cheat day."

    I can tell you that each bite of their delicious cheesecake (a real bite not a mouse-bite) is about a hundred calories (and worth it occasionally).

    Remember that when you're looking at nutritional info online, to multiply the calorie count by the number of servings. When they note that something is 600 calories they mean PER SERVING and most of their choices have between two and four servings (from what I looked at). When I was there, looking at a menu (not online where they provide the information "per serving" and not per entree) the lowest calorie salad they had was 1,860 calories for a lighter portion. Holy Cow -- I don't know how I'd build a salad with that many calories!!! Some of their entrees (on the menu, not online) were over 4,000 calories.

    So whatever you do, enjoy every bite. And Happy Birthday!!!
    Congrats on your great job!!!
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    It's my birthday next Tuesday, and my hubby asked me where I wanted to go. I decided on Cheesecake Factory. Now, before you all condemn me for that choice, lemme tell you why I chose it. My favorite dessert of all is chocolate cheesecake. Now instead of having a big ol cheesecake made and brought home or sitting on my counter all week, I figured I could go there, and eat a sensible dinner, and then share a piece of cheesecake w/ my hubby and not bring leftovers home, where I would be further tempted.
    Keep in mind I have lost 113 lbs so far, and have eaten at the cheesecake factory twice during this process. It's just all about choices.
    My issue is that I don't wanna eat lettuce for my birthday dinner, but I feel like the "healthy" option salad is the only thing that will let me enjoy my birthday cheesecake within my exercise calorie limits.

    Ugh, and I struggle w/ this because I am OBSESSED (in a healthy way) with calorie counting and what goes past my lips.
    I found a decent site that has calorie counts for CKF, b/c the actual restaurant site doesn't have anything listed.
    Can I justify that it's my birthday, so it's ok to have half a entree that is 1150 cals, with a part of a cheesecake that has 800 cals? Is it worth it, just because it's my birthday? I need to make a plan and stick with it. So. this is where I'm reaching out asking you what you would do.... hey thanks friends, I appreciate any feedback you can give. Maybe it will help me decide what I'm going to do. ;o)

    I went there for my Christmas present to myself and my boyfriend. I had just started this diet...and it was hard for me to eat an 1150 calorie dessert...But it was SO GOOD. And I don't regret it. I had the 30th anniversary one and it is a mix of chocolate and regular and its so amazing. THe nutrition is scary but its your birthday! birthday was also last week...I went out and ate for that too so don't feel bad. You know that you have done great and that the next day you will be right back on track! Happy Birthday