
Ok, I'm so disappointed! Just about every day I go over my sugar intake for the day and it's usually done by breakfast. Should I be counting the sugar in fruits and milk?


  • CobraBubbles
    The sugar in fruit and in milk is... still sugar.

    I think, however, you should just mainly be concerned with refined sugars... unless you're watching your carbs in general, then you may want to revamp your macros.

  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    A small grapefruit and one small apple are enough to put me over in a day but if it is from fruit and I don't go overboard with portions I don't pay attention to it one bit!
  • ErinJ1981
    I know! I love me some fresh squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning and at night but it's so discouraging to see the amount of carbs and sugar.