Curious about people who don't take classes

How do you guys do it? Honestly, if there's not an instructor to push me physically and mix it up, and moves to keep me preoccupied to stave off the boredom, I won't work out nearly as hard. All I do on the treadmill is dream of cupcakes and count down the seconds until I'm done, but in a class 45 minutes will pass before I know it and I'm drenched in sweat feeling great.

I'm just curious how you supermen and superwomen get the same kind of work out on your own, and assuming you use the machines in lieu of taking classes, I'm curious as to why? I'd love to hear more about the other side of the coin! I've always wondered this.


  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I honestly don't know why I've never taken a class.... I keep meaning to.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I sign up for running races so a) I have a financial motivator and b) my competitive nature takes over. This way my work outs have a purpose (to increase my time/distance) and I'm not just lookin at the clock.

    Good luck
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I put in my ear buds and go at it! I have never took a class so I cant compare but last night I saw one going on and it was just a room packed with a bunch of ppl. I dont know if its because its the start of the year and thats why it was so busy, but it did not appeal to me. I dont want someone 5 inches away from me all sweaty.. gross. I don't enjoy doing the machines but I have to if I want any results!
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I personally would love to take classes, but usually the classes that I want to take do not coincide with my schedule. :ohwell:

    So, I grab a magazine and my iPod and I get on a machine and rock out to some upbeat music. Plus, the magazine blocks the timer on the machine, so I don't focus on how much longer I have to go. :bigsmile:
  • fancyladymeek
    I do exercise videos. Do those count as classes?

    Also, I LOVE to walk, and I'm absolutely nuts about hiking. My idea of the perfect day is an entire day spent in the backcountry (we live in Seattle, so we live in a giant backyard essentially!)

    I'm under doc's orders to not walk anything steeper than railroad grade till my knee heals, so I walk around my neighborhood, on nature trails, and around the 40 acre off-leash dog park. I have 2 dogs so walking helps them as well.

    Find what you love....and do it till you drop!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I do better without a class. I tend to be someone who pushes myself, I find that in a class (especially since I'm a trainer) I tend to focus on doing everything perfect at the expense of pushing myself a little. When I'm alone and nobody knows me (pretty much) I can kill myself, sometimes look a little silly doing it, and not care a bit.

    Plus I like to mix things up. 1/2 way through a session I might decide to add something harder into a routine. For instance, I decided yesterday to run about 5 miles. After about 20 minutes on the treadmill I got really bored and jumped off, changed the settings to 5% incline, lowered the speed to 5.5 mph and ran backwards uphill for 5 minutes (try that, it's brutal). Then I went to the bench and did jump ups for another 4 minutes. Cal burn was about the same as if I ran for about 35 to 40 minutes (about 450 or so) but I felt so much better about my workout.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I personally would love to take classes, but usually the classes that I want to take do not coincide with my schedule. :ohwell:

    So, I grab a magazine and my iPod and I get on a machine and rock out to some upbeat music. Plus, the magazine blocks the timer on the machine, so I don't focus on how much longer I have to go. :bigsmile:

    Actually, yeah, the few times I've read on the treadmill it helps the time go faster. But I start to get dizzy. If it's not one thing it's another!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Actually I loose more calories with my own workouts. I just cant get into some classes; either the music sux or the instructors have the same old routine. Plus I have my own music. I switch it up though. I have several playlists and I have a work out log so I make my own workouts. I get more pumped when I have a goal on paper and a kick *kitten* playlist to go with it. Also, to switch it up I do take classes once in a while.
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    What I did when I worked out at the gym (I do P90X at home now) is I would find a treadmill close to a TV (there was a room off to the side at the YMCA I worked out at), pick out a good entertaining show and set the treadmill to 3.5-4 mph pace and just go and focus on the TV the whole time.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I do better without a class. I tend to be someone who pushes myself, I find that in a class (especially since I'm a trainer) I tend to focus on doing everything perfect at the expense of pushing myself a little. When I'm alone and nobody knows me (pretty much) I can kill myself, sometimes look a little silly doing it, and not care a bit.

    Plus I like to mix things up. 1/2 way through a session I might decide to add something harder into a routine. For instance, I decided yesterday to run about 5 miles. After about 20 minutes on the treadmill I got really bored and jumped off, changed the settings to 5% incline, lowered the speed to 5.5 mph and ran backwards uphill for 5 minutes (try that, it's brutal). Then I went to the bench and did jump ups for another 4 minutes. Cal burn was about the same as if I ran for about 35 to 40 minutes (about 450 or so) but I felt so much better about my workout.

    That makes sense, esp if you're a trainer and know your stuff! I need someone to show me what to do, or else I look like a fraggle.
  • jennylynn84
    i'm in the same boat with Gogo. I would love to take classes, but most gyms seem to have very few after 5 and I work 9-5. I don't know how anyone takes the classes offered, but that's just me.

    Personally, I HATE the machines. I'll do it if I have to and it always seems like a good burn, but I get bored to. I tend to do 20 minutes on a bike and 20 on elliptical. Good for the muscles and for my boredom. I watch TV or listen to music.

    I play racquetball though. Its fun and interesting and a good calorie burn if you're playing hard. And I want to WIN!

    I also swim occasionally. I like it and its good for my joints but after about 15 laps I start going "what time is it? Am I done yet?"
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I love to listen to comedy shows on my ipod, that takes my mind off the 'dreadmill'. Also, switch up you speeds on the 'mill',i.e. start off at a sprint, then slow down to a slow pace, back up to your adv. speed and repeat. Switch it up about every .2 miles. It keeps you more occupied.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I do exercise videos. Do those count as classes?

    Also, I LOVE to walk, and I'm absolutely nuts about hiking. My idea of the perfect day is an entire day spent in the backcountry (we live in Seattle, so we live in a giant backyard essentially!)

    I'm under doc's orders to not walk anything steeper than railroad grade till my knee heals, so I walk around my neighborhood, on nature trails, and around the 40 acre off-leash dog park. I have 2 dogs so walking helps them as well.

    Find what you love....and do it till you drop!

    Videos totally count! I've wanted a Kinect forever....I hear Dance Central is a blast.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I personally would love to take classes, but usually the classes that I want to take do not coincide with my schedule. :ohwell:

    So, I grab a magazine and my iPod and I get on a machine and rock out to some upbeat music. Plus, the magazine blocks the timer on the machine, so I don't focus on how much longer I have to go. :bigsmile:

    Rule of thumb if you can read while working out you are not working out to your full potential. Why dont you make a work out on paper to get you more pumped?
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I can't STAND having anyone yell at me, don't like a gym atmosphere, don't like working out with strangers, so classes are NOT for me, lol. No freaking way. I won't even listen to Jillian on DVD. But I'm perfectly content to walk for 3-6 hours per day and use the equipment I have at home, and it's worked very well for me. Everyone is different.
  • HotMomma86
    I've never stepped foot into a gym and have lost about 13lbs since November. I finally got to the point of enough is enough and I need to do this for me. I stopped with the "too tired" , "not enough time", and all those other excuses and found out that when you REALLY want something, nothing is going to get in the way. I work out first thing in the morning and sometimes run the treadmill at night. My kids are my motivation, as well as looking hot :)
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    i'm in the same boat with Gogo. I would love to take classes, but most gyms seem to have very few after 5 and I work 9-5. I don't know how anyone takes the classes offered, but that's just me.

    Personally, I HATE the machines. I'll do it if I have to and it always seems like a good burn, but I get bored to. I tend to do 20 minutes on a bike and 20 on elliptical. Good for the muscles and for my boredom. I watch TV or listen to music.

    I play racquetball though. Its fun and interesting and a good calorie burn if you're playing hard. And I want to WIN!

    I also swim occasionally. I like it and its good for my joints but after about 15 laps I start going "what time is it? Am I done yet?"

    Yeah, we're in the same boat. Luckily the gyms here offer classes until about 9pm, or I'll try to squeeze one in at lunch. Have you considered trying a video?
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I dont take classes simply because I'm cheap and I think I can exercise for free outdoors so why pay for exercise classes. Ive taken up urban hiking and I LOVE it! I cant sing the praises of it enough. What I love most is the freedom. I can do it anywhere in the city. I can change route at the drop of a hat, and either do scenic parks or city streets.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I do everything at home/work because I travel for work and can never get to a gym on a regular basis. So, my exercise repertoire includes (weather and location dependent): exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical trainer, workout DVD's, walking, walk/jog intervals, snowshoeing, swimming, horseback riding. I would love to take an aerobic kick boxing or zumba class, but it is a waste of money until I am home more often.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I do better without a class. I tend to be someone who pushes myself, I find that in a class (especially since I'm a trainer) I tend to focus on doing everything perfect at the expense of pushing myself a little. When I'm alone and nobody knows me (pretty much) I can kill myself, sometimes look a little silly doing it, and not care a bit.

    Plus I like to mix things up. 1/2 way through a session I might decide to add something harder into a routine. For instance, I decided yesterday to run about 5 miles. After about 20 minutes on the treadmill I got really bored and jumped off, changed the settings to 5% incline, lowered the speed to 5.5 mph and ran backwards uphill for 5 minutes (try that, it's brutal). Then I went to the bench and did jump ups for another 4 minutes. Cal burn was about the same as if I ran for about 35 to 40 minutes (about 450 or so) but I felt so much better about my workout.

    That makes sense, esp if you're a trainer and know your stuff! I need someone to show me what to do, or else I look like a fraggle.

    don't sell yourself short. Fraggle's burn a lot of cals. :tongue:

    you don't need to be a trainer to get a great workout built. google indoor boot camp routines. there's TONS of great ideas out there for someone, and you need little or no money and just a flat space a few yards wide to do most of it.